I want to make good quality Dungeon, But it will not be possible without a team.


Hello my name is Kith, I’m making rotmg themed sprites since few years, and I would like to do a good quality Dungeon Project

Why am I writing this post?

Perhaps most of you are aware that creating a dungeon alone is not easy. It’s true it’s not easy, I tried to take this self-contained at least 5 times And every time it ended in a failure, I have many ideas but unfortunately I do not have enough strength to make my ideas become real. Working alone is not easy, most of us have their own and private lives, and that is precisely the main problem for people who take up work alone. I think most of you understand what’s going on, so let’s get to the thread.

So yes, I’m looking for a team that will consist of 4-8 members (mainly spriters/ideas Creator’s)
To our team could join 3 more people who can help us to develop ideas for mechanics, appearance and climate of the dungeon.
And really it’s all we need to finish the project in 100%, not counting programming part Ofcourse.

Now we will go through my idea for the Dungeon, mainly the theme and then to the contact.

So, RotMG for several years added dungeons that have a lot to do with: caves, temples lairs etc.

This time I’d like to add something like Stone Desert, this would be a closed area between desert monuments where players had to fight with the desert creatures such as: Giant Scorpions, lizards, Eagles, Vultures, antelopes & other insects.
I would like this Dungeon to have a very beautiful theme like dungeon called Mountain Temple. This is why we will need a bigger team of spriters & idea Creator’s.

For now it’s probably all, progress will depend on whether I can gather enough members to help.

For this idea you can contact me, via comments or Discord: @Kith#4682
I hope that I am able to encourage you to help.
Best Regards, Kith


@PiterGPL I had some issues before with my post, I’m new here. I assume that u want to join the project :grin: do you have maybe discord? I think it’s the best way to contact.


I could make some sprites


where do you make sprites?


I’m spriting on phone app called 8bit master


I can do Sprites and ideas (Just not 16x16) sprites


making dungeons is a pain in the butt


You mean like a mesa desert? red savannah?

Also I’ll join if possible.


Canon desert, haha @PiterGPL helped alot with name. And Ofcourse it is possible! Just add me in discord and I will invite you to project discord


I know, but I belive that I won’t be pain with good team :smiley:


So basically item sprites, minions and ideas right?


yes, I can give boss ideas but not sprites


i can’t sprite for shit but i am okay at making ideas


I will be willing to help just hit me up with whatever u need


I can propose attacks and kinda text that would be in the dungeon. Sorry if I’m late.


I can help…


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