IGoZoom's new PPE thread


while grinding for marks I grabbed a leaf bow! I know it isn’t the best bow, but I really love using it. It just feels so full of character.


LET’S GO, ANOTHER WAND!!! This should make parasite chambers a lot easier with its armor piercing shots.


Got this ST from the login calendar. It got a chuckle out of me, considering how much I’ve been using this robe already.


I’m not sure why I bothered including this drop, considering I didn’t even pick it up off the ground. But here it is, the dumbest ring in the game.


Is a PPE really complete without a lil bit of candyland grinding? It only took me a half dozen bosses to get this ccoat


so I got both wlab bows in the same day, which is pretty cool considering I only ran a few that day.


I feel like I get so few drops from the marble colossus despite how many I’ve run at this point, so it’s nice to get something, even if it isn’t a white bag.


Another red bag armor from the same LH, pretty cool. Still have never gotten a wyrm hide armor ever.


Nice! I need bergenia …


Now that I’ve gotten all my void marks, I get to open these quests chests.

So none of the chests dropped anything of value but the standard chest. But one white is better than none, so I can’t complain.


Yay, another soulless!


So I may have finally cracked and tried running an actual O3. What could go wrong?


I got through dammah without any real trouble. I didn’t get any drops of notice, but completing my first O3 miniboss is a noticeable enough accomplishment in and of itself


Oh. That’s what could go wrong.


NOOOOOO. FFFFFFFFffffff. Dang man, rip. That was an insane ppe


I gotta say, PPEs often end unceremoniously and in an unfortunate way but at least I can take solace in the fact that I died because of my own error, not because of a game glitch or anything. Getting steamrolled by Oryx 3 is a much more suitable death for our good sorcerer friend than anything else in my opinion. Anyway, the remaining uploads will just be my pet food from the massive fame I received. I actually lost friend of the cubes right before Oryx, so I went from 70k fame on death to 64k, but 64k fame is still quite a lot.

I actually didn’t mean to feed that molten mantle, considering I have 3/4 of the pieces, but oh well.

33k feed is so much for one click… lucky me.

Finally, I fed the mouthwatering melon. Well guys, this looks like the end for this PPE thread. Thanks so much for embarking on this journey with me, I never expected to get THIS FAR with my special sorc boi. I have a couple regrets (Never got that ritual robe or parasite scepter, and never completed an O3), but overall Iam extremely satisfied with this thread as a whole.


Thanks man, it really does suck ngl but doesn’t mean I can’t be happy with how it went


OH man that end was tragic. Went the way of tharms’s npe too. that was a thicc ppe. All that feed too is mouthwatering.


Yikes, was expecting some more epic loot, scrolled down then random flashing dead screen…


Planning any more ppes?