IGoZoom's PPE Thread - Pt.2


got my 3/8 in a yellow, which is pretty sweet.


More tomb grinding got me nothing but max attack. Which is actually really good, but it wasn’t what I wanted so I’m gonna stay mad.


Maxed that one stat no one cares about in another red. If you’re wondering why I’m still running reds at this point, it’s because I have no cores and red is faster than blue and green can get sketchy.


I think I was running this mw for a mark, but I got an orb as well. Pretty good!


Finally, the death. In my experience there are three types of initial reactions to dying. One - you get sad because you lost your character. Two, my most common response - you sit there dumbfounded for a couple seconds that you lost your character, then sort of sigh, chuckle and start a new one. Three - you forcefully take your headphones off, lean back hard in your chair, and take a walk because you’re so frustrated by the death. This death was definitely the third category - I was almost over the hill with maxing, and I got ganged up on by a couple robo squirrels then finished off by several heatseeking turret shots. I was not happy to say the least, but a bet’s a bet. @DeeBomb , next time I see you around I’ll get u ur UBHP. Not sure what my next PPE will be, but I’ll probably start another thread soon. If I had to guess, I’ll probably do a staff class once whatever the Christmas event is this year starts.


start a little before so you can abuse the most out of it, just a tip


That’s a good point…


Christmas PPE character choice

  • Wizard
  • Necro

0 voters


First to 3 votes is my choice, I wanna start soon lmao


Wizard, but you have to use Santa skin


@JimdaFish like this?

FR tho the poll was overwhelmingly in favor of wizard, so here we go. Also I reskinned my pet to set the mood even moreso.


Yeah, that’s pretty much my response too. And maybe laughing along with my sister of it was stupid enough. :joy:

Sorry I lost track of the thread for a couple days! That was kind of a lame run for you to endure… perhaps Santa will be more kind?


That’s what I’m hoping for lol


Okay, sorry for the delay. I’m just about finished up with finals so expect a significant uptick in updates starting in the next couple days. Also, you’ll notice the T0 quiver in my eighth slot - the discord group Dungeoneer is running a PPE challenge and I figured I might as well take part.


I’ll try and speed through the boring stuff


Someone popped an ancient ruins in nexus, a few minor upgrades ensued.


Thankfully I have some guildies that are also running PPEs at the moment, so I’ll have friends to grind with. If you ever see me in realm shoot me a PM, It’ll take me some time to max so I’ll run dungeons with whoever.



It really did not take me long to get a good spell - this is the kind of luck I like to see in a ppe.


This bow seems like garbage, but hey it’s my first rare soulbound drop on this character so there’s that.