InfamousX Trash PPE thread v2 (ORIGINAL CONTENT)


omega lul

Ebic Life Pot Drop


smh stop screenshooting lifes








my lucky Golden Sword

Fuck no ban Hammer smh


Knight above ^ is dead lul



This is what you call a pro gamer move
you see, I went into a sprite with a archer and we both know how that ended


imagine getting 5th backup ray katana


imagine storing ray katanas


tbh I am going to store 3 chest full of ray katana because why not?


id rather store minor def rings tbh


696 fame

Extra nice


I know, its pretty epic


imagine not getting dag


Yeah, just the top I wanted


imagine dying to green


I’ve never died to any of the new dragons except green


Yeah I’m not quite sure why but green seems to be much more of a dominating presence after the rework. Sick is a pain to deal with mostly.