Inspire hahhahahah


got them all dw


This thread makes me want to re-enter the everlasting void of nothingness and forget about the existence of this cursed world


Forgive me for being stupid, But apart from the range a colossus sword (i assume) has with inspire, what are you trying to point out?


This seems moreso an issue with the DDocks fight being a complete joke in big groups rather than instance of Inspired being broken.


If we made him paralyse immune, I think it would be more engaging.


just remove paralyze from the game


nah, then archer is just a bad huntress and ctrap is useless and aether orb would be a honey orb


just remove abilities from the game


Just remove classes.


just remove the game


Just remove Wildshadow and Kabam.


DECA is run by a former Kabam employee.


Energized would be bs aswell, just get something completely different.


the location is irrelevant, the point of the video is to show one of many examples of how gamebreaking this is because it’s not like this is how inspire works in deadwater it’s how it works across the entire game
there’s also several other examples like wands and staves offscreening, bows becoming staves, etc
biggest mistake to allow this into the game


removing stun > removing paralyze


just wait until the bard hype dies down.

alternatively they could nerf bard by increasing the mp cost heavily
(so he actually gets to use his high MP pool and WIS)
make the inspire effected by WIS mod (but cap the range increase at x1.3)
or simply increase the cooldown and make the inspire effect act like stat buff. (which need to wear off until they can be reapplied.)


hype is irrelevant, obviously class volume will stop but that doesn’t change the ability at all. Not only the strength of it, but its ease of application is incredible as well. Never should have made it to prod and they certainly won’t go back and fix it now (as they never have with most of their content releases).


I wish the we got classes that have no hatred towards them like wildshadow (or at least not to the amount we have today)

We can all agree samurai sucks.
Some of us can agree ninja is underwhelming unmaxxed/not the best to play
Bard just sucks imo.

Whereas Wizard everyone can agree is good
Same with the original classes.

I just hate mystic overall.


Hello, nice to meet you, now you know I exist so please reconsider saying that? I noticed the waki maximum range got increased, did you know (or maybe the change got reverted)? I was already kind of used to its low range but now, man you can slash at 6 tiles away from you. And one big reason why I like the class is also because when I use its ability I can picture in my head, clearly, a guy in japanese-style armour sheathing :wink: back his katana to use a short side-blade to quickly strike enemies.

I, uh, used to dislike it. Now after retrying it out, I say it can be fun but I never met someone how say it is not efficient at its job (though I remember @Orsome saying he disliked the class, the thing I don’t remember is if it was only because he wasn’t finding it fun).


Pretty much exactly that

I will admit when i actually play wizard I don’t mind it as much but I think I would have enjoyed another stave class more. Shame I now have an ST spell taking up my vault :sweat_smile:



like most classes, to be fair

also fair, but mystic can be pretty fun if you just don’t stasis that often

There’s an issue when it comes to new classes, and it’s that most of the existing classes pretty much already cover the major ideas for abilities in my opinion. We have four separate ways to increase group dps (expose, curse, berserk, damaging) already for example.