Invisible shots by Nikau in LOD


Hi everyone, i have noted for some time since the exalt release that sometimes i’m hit with invisible shots by Nikau during certain phases in the fight. I’ve recorded some footage of it during the phase (below) where the eggs have to be destroyed. I’m certain it also occurs during the phase where Nikau is jumping between pools in the ground.

I’m not sure if it is an exalt related issue as i wasn’t playing too often on Flash. Also not sure if occurs with any other dragon but i haven’t noticed it if it does.

Graphic settings on Exalt:

  • Resolution = 1920 x 1080
  • Partiles Master = Off
  • Particle Effect = Low
  • Enemy Particles = Off
  • Players Hit Particles = Off
  • Draw Shadows = Off

Order of dragons starting from first to last = Red -> Black -> Blue

Between 17 and 21 seconds in the youtube vid you can see my health drop without any shots touching the character.

Re-testing invisible shots with all of Nikau’s phases + green and red dragon
Couldn’t spot it for the other two but just left in in-case i missed something.
Hits at the following time stamps: 1:19, 1:38, 2:18, 2:37, 3:17

(sorry for bad dodging! It’s hard enough when trying to record and play at the same time as my fps drops but on top of that i’ve never done the red dragon in this order.)

Potentially Lethal Bug in LoDs

As far as I’m aware, this is indeed related to Exalt. In what way, however, I have no idea.
But do know that Deca seems to bee aware of it, so hopefully it’ll bee patched soon >_<


It’s great to hear that they are aware of it.
Looking forward to the patch :slight_smile:

Just posted a second test with all of the Nikau’s phases with a lot more invisible shots.


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