Is It Still Possible to Dupe?


A friend and I are having an argument about whether or not it’s still possible to dupe items. I think it absolutely is still possible, but my friend (who is much, much more tech savvy than I) seems to think that it’s not possible anymore. Thoughts?


It probably still is, the fixes deca make for duping are bandaids for certain methods, certainly there are others.


Someone say it’s not but they are fooling themselves. It is still definitely possible, the evidence is almost impossible to deny


That’s only part of it. Most dupes (not just realm) take advantage of concurrency and/or rollbacks.

In theory an ideal world with no lag would not permit any dupe based on concurrent access. But since lags always exist one way or another in any computer system, the code should guarantee data integrity in the presence of concurrent access. A form of this dupe was used extensively for the massive dupe wave in summer 2012 (or 2013?) which eventually “forced” Kabam to soulbound UTs.

On the other hand, dupe-by-roll-back has very little to do with lags. The once rampant (now patched) oryx dupe was an example of this type of dupe which works by trading items from A to B and somehow fooling the system into rolling back the items for A but not B. In the case of oryx dupe apparently it was enough for a realm to crash to get your character’s data rolled back. A correct implementation of this recovery scheme would remove items B got from A but for the longest time Kabam just ignored it. Anyway as you can see it had nothing to do lags.

So are there still dupes around? Probably yes.


A short analysis on the current situation regarding duping:

If what I think is correct, duping is becoming exponentially harder for those out there who are trying to exploit poorly coded areas of the game as DECA is making patches every few weeks in order to combat this from occurring.

I think duping is becoming less of a problem due to the fact of the changes happening within the community; I have noticed the prices of STs and skins increasing over the period of these few months. This is a very possible indication that duping is becoming less as the Law of Demand states that the price of a product increases in response to less of that product being supplied. If we apply that logic here, we can presume that the supply of previously duped items are becoming less and less as people die with them/use them in the case of skins.

An example of this is the current shortage of “mid-high tier” items that tend not to catch the attention of dupers because of their relatively low prices. Items such as Skeleton Warrior Skin, Ghost Huntress Skin, and Vampire Hunter Skin. Currently they are worth more than the “high tier” and popular items such as the skins Huntsman and Death, which were subsequently targeted by duping in response to the demand for them; therefore resulting in the high prices for them. However, these high prices are now shadowed by the “mid-high tier” which were not targeted by dupers; now that they are worth more than skins like the Huntsman gives a fair indications that dupers are having troubles.


Mass duping is dead, 100%, Deca killed it. But duping in general is still very much alive, though most of the methods are likely being kept close to the chest of the people that know how to do it, they still know how to do it and likely do it every day to multiply their UTs or even tradeable items. These people don’t seem like that much of a problem to me in the event of a UT weekend/perma unsb for several reasons.

  1. Look at the Number of Deca Rings and Life, it has considerably dwindled since the last duping outbreak. From there being at least 1000+ being sold at once, there is now about 100 being sold, from there being at least 1000+ uhps being sold at any given time, there is now 100. This shows us that duping is dying, and the ones that know how to do it use that power conservatively (at least when it comes to tradeable items).

  2. UTs this time around aren’t going to lose value as quickly (or at all), do to there being more of them and less of them at the same time. All those UT mules of the past have been Perma Banned or turned into standard accounts, where a considerable amount of those Juggs/Ogmurs have been rip’d on. However, the most important part about this, is that the community needs to understand that the prominence of a certain UT means nothing. Jugg doesn’t provide less time armored because it was duped, therefore it hasn’t lost its gold standard.




There is no such thing as duping. Fake news obviously
decker cosnprisacy they sel their owns items xD


There is definitely a dupe method right now. Till we move from Flash, I doubt duping will be fully dead.


Flash is just the client and has shit to do with duping. Duping could have been solved a long time ago, but that would require server-side changes (after a careful phase of development and formal verification), which always surpassed the capabilities of Kebabs, and Deckers - the company that outsources game developement to its gullible community - even more so. Besides, not fixing duping, and instead just making things soulbound was way too convenient anyways…


I bet you’ll shut up when Kiddforce fixes duping… :roll_eyes:


Expecting Rubell to shut up… are you on shrooms?
Lemme puri that hallucination off real quick


lol ya go do it


Yes there is a method out atm


@Plveuk thanks for letting us know that you dupe or know how lmao

edit: /s


How you jump to such conclusion boggles my mind.

Edit: how you refer to that as bullying boggles my mind.


@point 2: I think you underestimate the systemic level of duping that occured in the past. The rate that duping was able to happen was phenomenal. Dupers would have an empty inv, go through a portal and come out the other side with an inv of Juggs, and instantly repeat. People also seem to forget that there were 2 separate and major instances of this level of mass duping. The first dupe wave may have been kept on the hush by major guilds, but it happened over a large period of time. I can’t say with certainty as I don’t have the data, but my money is on there being a TON of UT’s out there, enough to destabilize the game (50,000-100,000+). DECA most likely has the data on the amount of these items still left in game and I imagine that number is staggering. I used to be a huge proponent of UT weekends but as time goes on my conviction has wavered. Permanent SB UT’s is for the best. Do I believe that this continuation into SB T13s+ is practical? No. Please release some new tradable items that aren’t reskins of t4s/5s/6s t10s/11/12s please. Even situational ST’s would be nice. I think your first point compliments this idea nicely.


Nope there isn’t one anyone knows of

DECA’s got the dupers mostly beat, they are relying on their stockpiles rn


No there isnt


Yes, there is.