Item Idea (Quake Quiver)


I guess that the quiver shouldn’t inflict any debuffs at all, since it’s focused on damage.

But in my opinion we don’t need another UT quiver, we need an UT trap.


Curse belongs to Mystic. Putting it on your quiver would be “stealing mechanics from other classes”.


you also kinda stole this from dbow.


Rename it to the Quake Quiver. Because…

… reasons.


yeah, just realised this is only causing arguments so screw me and my idea


I don’t think it’s a bad idea. Sprite worlds drop EPs and planewalkers, two items for very different classes. In this case, the quiver could help the player because there’s a 1/2 chance that the player is an archer (if they are a bow class). The sprite looks decent, although I would say that the item is like a nerfed version of a midnight star.


I know, jaws already addressed that


Sorry, I didn’t bother to check the replies.


In that case I’m just lost, there’s not much point in a damage based quiver. I have run out of ideas


… um… yes there is…

The amazingness about the Dbow is that in the beginning of your onslaught of the boss, you instantly pump out around 900 damage.

Combined with a quiver that can do over 1k damage, and you could instantly get in 2k damage.

Great for getting insta-soulbound, clearing out several enemies really fast, and of course a little DPS boost.

It would be useful, yet with the cooldown, not OP.


So basically get rid of the status effects and bring damage back up despite people saying this is basically a dbow?


Sure :stuck_out_tongue:


what spriting software do u use?


Some might say it’s stupid to put 2 high damaging things in one dungeon. Some might say it’s part of the theme, as Septavius is known for suddenly doing a crap ton of damage and insta-ing people.

Kind of like Dbow and this quiver.


I agree with Trof; just make it the short range - high damage quiver and it’ll have its niche and fit in with the dbow theme.


OK sure, thanks @Trofimowen and @UnicornSla


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