Joshawsum's PPE Thread


Now, try to be more careful with that character! You may end up having a grand ppe, now.


I really hope that’s the case, although idk tbh lol. I will try to be more careful, tho.


wrong st but still nice


and here’s my imaginary zseal


So yeah, that’s all the progress I’ve made, and I think I can play later in the night, so look out for that


I’m back, and I got some new photos


wtf is my luck with these st’s?


first time I’ve gotten the pet skin, so I’m pretty stoked, although I’m keeping the mini sphinx since it looks cuter


trash blueprint but still I got something new


The new dyes actually pair well together in my opinion!


cool new forge items I can use for the PPE


got an acrop from o2 right before Woods popped his o3


I actually decided to do an o3, even though I’d never done it before, but would I regret it?


First leuc on prod!!! The loot’s not great, but I’m happy with the achievement. Also, I nexused from the o3 almost immediately lol.


So yea, pretty eventful day for a mostly successful ppe in my eyes. I’m going to be playing tmmw, so let’s see what happens!


I think me getting the wrong necro sts on this ppe has essentially become a meme lol


at least I got an upgrade lol


no acclaim :frowning:


again wow thanks game for sts I don’t want


also max wis lol