Just got dced twice from my own tombs


First you were accusing all top guilds of duping without proof. Now you’re accusing someone of cheating without proof either.

Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?


@RMGnoob Do you want me to list players?
First example, L_zo_e. He used to be part of a guild called Narco Corridos, and he uses a hacked client. He’s in the top 200 warriors last I checked. Regs or mods, if you flag this for witch hunted y’all better back it the frick up. (I have Discord audio of him talking about his client and recordings of him using antistatus and autonexusing. Please. I even censored his name.)

I’m not saying the OP uses a hacked client. In fact, I don’t dispute the legitimacy of this player reconnecting. I’m just stating a potential reason for a player’s continuous disconnecting.


You accused entire guilds. Either you can prove the whole guild is in on the duping thing and organizes their dupes together, or your accusation is unfounded. Simple as that.

Implying that people are using hacks whenever they come here to report an issue doesn’t strike me as very welcoming or conducive to good conversations.



[quote=“RMGnoob, post:16, topic:19263”]
or your accusation is unfounded. Simple as that.
[/quote]Did you finish reading the thread?

never said it was. Just wanted to add it because it’s a viable point to mention.


If you just word it as "hacked client might be the cause of your disconnect"
rather than going straight for the:
“can only assume it is because of hacked client”

Then we’d all be friends in this thread I’m sure.


@Nevov that’s my bad; I’ll change it.


Ah, so this is how I should structure my post to avoid being put in the Whine Cellar?


:frowning: moving to "Whine Cellar"
Rip like 400 gold lol


Moved back to #game-discussion:tech-support.

OP may have worded it to seem like a whine, but there may be a discussion to be had.


What discussion exactly? That deca has bad servers? (Though it’s been proved that the servers are the exact same as kabams) If it’s offtopic from the main post, It should be on it’s own Post.


it really is something, isn’t it? how our legitimate threads get moved to the wc, and crap like this stays up. i’ve noticed a correlation: if you argue with them, they wc your thread.

no worries, i have patently and objectively won against @RMGnoob rmgnoob in an argument (i made predictions about deca and the sub, he mocked them, they all ended up being right) so i’ll just assume by default that he is scared of embarrassing himself again.


Yes, this is currently the way it is. The community has discussed it, the regs have extensively discussed it, I’m sure the mods have discussed it. We have a pretty good record with moving threads, even to the Whine Cellar.

As for your correlation regarding arguments, you are correct. When you, @Dthnider, argue with us, based on your history, it does result in your threads being moved to the Whine Cellar.


You have a pretty good record according to whom? Yourself?


That really sucks man, but Deca doesnt usually do refunds (nor should they, without any evidence). Can you provide any evidence to back up your claim? The only way I’ve ever heard of someone getting a refund is if they recorded the entire thing and proved that they actually opened and DCed.


Well… is anyone else bitching about us?

We aren’t affiliated with Deca so we cannot directly help you.
You can try to ask support (as everyone else is saying) and seeing if they will refund you, but without any solid evidence that you actually opened and Dc’d from a tomb you are probably out of luck.


Yes, because you send anyone that disagrees to the wine cellar :slight_smile: im not a fucking idiot so dont treat me like one




yep sure pal, go to the wine cellar and about half the posts there are someone being critical of a reg and getting moved. Don’t be stupid on purpose please, because I know you’re not


links please.
And don’t include your shitposts.


Great, look who’s back from his week ban… :roll_eyes:

No we don’t. We send post that become flame wars to the WC. When you keep arguing back at us without providing evidence to support you claim and making pointless threads, yes we will WC them.

You posted 3 threads with the same title…

What the heck does this even mean? And what does it have to do with the title?

Yes, pls clarify this: What the heck does “AMA request - people that trade me in godlands with empty inventories” mean?? The title makes no sense and you are just spamming at this point.

You say “No need to move this post to the Whine Cellar as it is a legitamate question and you don’t have a power problem.” And then say “Mynamerr is abusing mod powers.” Mynamerr is doing what we are supposed to do, throw post that are trash into the WC. Also not even a question. Also, again, Regulars are not mods.

Stop trying to tell us that we are the problem with the forum. In fact if anyone is, you are. Why do you think you got banned?? The mods banned you for being toxic, and trust me, they know better than us.

I would go further but:

  1. to lazy to do more.
  2. I don’t think I have to, and if I do, I will.
