Kicked into Nexus


The past few days I’ve had this happen a few times. I’m in a dungeon, and Oryx shouts out his realm closed message.
Then I either complete the dungeon, or go back to the portal of cowardice.
About half the time, I get kicked back into the nexus instead of going into the realm I was in.

Anyone else having this happen to them?


Yes for about 5 years.


When the realm doesn’t reopen after Oryx, you don’t get sent back to the realm


I go back in before the realm goes into oryx’s castle.


yeah. If the realm doesn’t reopen, you can’t return to the realm after it closes
It’s a strange glitch. Has been mentioned in the past


Searched right this time


So @moderators close?


A merge would be more appropriate, since the other topic is still open.


Yes, but that topic shoulve been closed for like 4 months and its still not closed


really? ive never had this happen to me.


It’s eternal opening was ordained by the gods. You have no right to dispute it.


Same, but I’ve had that happen for about a year now, not just recently


Happened to me once. But I was in a really overpopulated realm, I don’t know if this is because the realm got full during the time I was in the dungeon, due to hackers reconnecting? But if 20 people go into a Candy Land at the same time the player limit doesn’t apply. It could also be because you might have entered the realm exactly after the Oryx Shake ended, but then again

This does not seem to be a logical answer.
What server are you currently playing on? Is it close to where you are when you play the game?
Try a close server without too many people, like AsiaEast (my main server).
Might also be because of the computer you are playing on, like my old computer, which had an issue where hotkeys would sometimes get rigged (don’t ever buy second hand computers), for example I would want to drink a health potion with “F”, and I ended up opening the options menu (I died btw).
The latter was a big issue for about 2 months, and was really annoying.
The easiest thing to do, don’t enter dungeons when the realm closes, if you want to run a Wine Cellar. Sometimes me and my guildies do a “guild realm”, where we pick a really underpopulated realm and close it (kind of like a private wine cellar).
Why am I so talkative? Man, just don’t enter a dungeon when the realm closes.


Yeah, I would be in the dungeon before the realm closes, and leave before the “my minions have failed me” message. So I’ve just started to pay more attention to liches, or oryx number of ents callouts.


What’s with people always tagging mode on other people’s threads asking them to close it? Is it some kind of power trip? What’s the issue with either

  1. Waiting for OP to ask for a close
  2. Waiting for the mods to close
  3. Waiting for the autoclose

I recommend you do one of these three things.


Alright Ill wait for it


A post was merged into an existing topic: Closed Realm Dungeon Leave Nexus


Merged the OP to the earlier posted topic as a bump.