Killed by a UDL trap that blew up twice


And then a second one
(In case Nevov moves this one)

My priest was killed by a layer burst trap that blew up twice

I checked the room for traps first and saw one, I got it to explode and continued on my way, however a second set of bullets came from the same tile and killed my priest even though there was no longer a trap there.

Trivial Issues Thread

oof… ?/8
My general issue with realm is that I have a trash computer, so in many bosses and event gods, I dc the instant they die.


7 spd and atk from 2/8
it was a fresh priest and had my best roll to date (the speed and attack were naturally +4 spd and +9 atk)


nvm my question, 0/8 with above average hp roll




:+1: I will put it into its own thread - if you think it was a bug then it’s more than Trivial if it caused a death.

Maybe the UDL traps can double spawn on the exact same tile.


I know what happened. They were stacked. I have seen these before. Instead of two traps being in separate spots in the room, they are on top of each other. So you can’t really tell there is two. They just look like one. But it throws two volleys of bursts. Which can very easily kill most chars if you are too close or too squishy. R.I.P sorry for your loss :eggplant::sweat_drops::boom::100:


I was thinking it may have been client side lag, like when permafrost was reappearing after death and killing people


But would it both burst at seperate times with at least a second in between (off centering to check the rest of the room)




just gonna ignore that smh
:ok_hand: :point_left:


I see now… I’ll be more wary of the eggplants trying to kill me by exploding twice.


You got it! :point_right::ok_hand: Lol.


it was an act of god


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