Lack of Immunity Frames


Thank you!


The very first shot that hits you gives you post-invulnerability for enough time to make it so that the other shots that are stacked won’t affect you at all. I don’t know how the technicalities of it work (if there were two shots hitting you on the exact same frame, etc…) but I know it’s a thing that normal video games have and it works really well. I’m pretty sure they use a fail-safe where if the damage you are taking is happening from more than one place at a time it would only default to one.

It is not exploitable; this isn’t a server sided mechanic.

It adds to the challenge, I agree. But, as I said before, most people who played this game instantly stopped playing it after they realized how bad it was. Adding a vital element to this style of game play is necessary if DECA wants to keep players it attracts.

Maybe the challenge thing could be a button to toggle before you make your character? A no immunity frames button to make it like old realm. That could make it fun for people who want a challenge.


What do you mean, “normal video games”? There are a ton of games where you don’t get a grace period after getting hit, for example most FPS.

Not having any technical knowledge is a problem because we don’t know if anything you say is doable. For all we know it’s not technically feasible for a MMO with thousands of players to implement micro-grace periods every time a character gets hit.

Anything that’s not server-sided is by definition easier to exploit. If you don’t make i-frames server-sided then you’ll have people making modified clients with permanent invincibility.


I don’t understand why RotMG doesn’t have a client checker to verify the files before launching.


So it was overall a more forgiving game in terms of instapops, but lots of flying brain style chip attacks? Oh, and pets changed the core mechanic by letting people tank chipattacks, and only be killed with instapops


let me try walking you through this in a different way that will hopefully make the issue of stacked shots more clear to you and why introducing an iframe grace period won’t help with simultaneous shots:

time passes on a tick-based system, every time we hit a tick we re-evaluate what’s happening in the “present” and make adjustments accordingly. so in the scenario of getting hit normally, the projectile moves across the screen and asks if its touching something every time we pass a new tick. on the tick when it finally does make contact with your character, the game calculates how much your HP should go down based on your DEF and the projectile’s damage, and makes changes to your HP to match. the key point here is that this change does not happen on the same tick that the projectile hits you. that tick that you got hit on has already happened, we can’t go back in time to previous ticks so any changes we make happen on the next tick.

now consider 30 shots all making contact with your character on the same tick, with an iframe system that should make you invulnerable briefly after getting hit. in that tick, all 30 shots will pass the “am I hitting something” test, so the game applies the corresponding damage for all 30 shots. now whichever one happens to get chosen to be added first will trigger the iframe system, but because this tick has already happened we won’t get those iframes until we get to the next tick. meanwhile in this snapshot in time the player racks up major damage from all those shots at once because they haven’t turned on their iframes yet. when we finally get to the next tick after all those shots have hit, your iframes have activated and you’re temporarily invulnerable, but you’re also dead because your HP is now -400. iframes won’t save you from stacked shots.

in fact, you don’t even have to take my word for this. this has actually happened already using the alien armor effect. going invulnerable doesn’t take effect until we reach the next tick because we can’t change things that have already happened, and going invulnerable won’t stop you from dying if you’re already dead.


I don’t know, I think that if they give iframes AS WELL AS check if another shot is already hitting you and negating them all so it’s only 1, that it will work. Games like Two Worlds Two and Terraria also work on a tick-based system, but iframes still work properly, unlike that example you provided. You had some really solid points though. That’s honestly just a programmer issue, if anything.


I clarified a lot of things in the original post, I hope people aren’t confused anymore.


Kinda late, but I moved this to #ideas since it seems this is now more of a discussion on the implementation of invincibility frames rather than a problem with lag causing the issue shown in the original post.


thank you, i kinda still think it’s a glitch xD


During a nest event at some point or another a halls eo gifed this and posted it in event status anouncements.
So yes, it is from a different recording


@DivineOryx @Orsome @RMGnoob @Unicorn @Hemming @Twitchystr @BeeMoth @Kalitaio @Mynamerr hey @Thropy updated the op incase you didn’t know

  1. There was no need to mass ping, the forum uses the tracking options for a reason. People will get updates about the post if they so choose to.
  2. I have heavily proven the logical contradictions that OP presented, and this “update” is just further agitation of the same merde.


._. Just fucking nexus if you’re in a situation like that. Or jut turn off your wifi for an instant dc




What’s the point of pinging everyone when this changes nothing to what was previously said?


um. well sorry everyone. that was a big mistake i made. this should be buried.:cry:


You have no sense of how a good video game is designed if you actually think a standard in MMO RPGs isn’t needed a rogue, perma-death game where the gimmick is hordes of enemies shooting unavoidable projectiles.


hey, uh

if you’re planning to actually argue a point here then don’t take 25 day breaks between each post


I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.

Also… I think I lost Regular… Damn, three years to earn it, lost it in a matter of weeks during finals.