
So recently, I got a new school Chromebook. My old Chromebook was perfectly fine at running RotMG. After getting this new one and running all the anti-lag graphic options, it’s still as laggy as hell. And I get DCed at the slightest provocation. What do I do?


Use the old chromebook…?


I can’t, it was broken beyond repair


Are you playing on the website or on the projector?

Are you running a different version of Flash?


You can’t run projector on chromebooks, or so I’ve been told.




try using steam version.


steam on a school chromebook? thats a big no-no


oh lol


Also, how is my accuracy more than 100%?


Does your school have vmware or a portal to use windows 7?
If so just use that




When you spell bomb with a wizard, it only counts toward your accuracy and doesn’t add to your missed shots, so you can get very large amounts of accuracy if you only use your staff a little and spell bomb a whole lot. I know of several people who have gotten like 1,000,000% accuracy or something.


Try and download the flash projector, here’s a link…

If you run into any problems with district restrictions you can always download a VPN (bypass any regulations the school has put onto your wifi).
I personally like “setupVPN”, its easy and fast to setup, but if your lagging the best option would be to get flash.


Also, in flash you can set the graphics quality of flash to be high, medium, or low; pick low.


he is using a chromebook. you can download flash unless you go full hacker mode and

  1. enable dev mode
  2. get, galiumOS, Windows 10, or Linux
    or you can unmanage your computer
    as for me @DreadHerod, idk try messing around with the graphics and stuff, i use a chromebook as well, and i get those fps drops. unless you are with a lot of people


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