

What about translate original language of Rotmg to others ? Here i will put 3 translations of item Staff of Cosmic Whole . Names will be original because some names are too long .
Germany :
Staff of Cosmic Whole
Description : Ein goldenes Stab des transzendenten Verständnisses, das aus Kristallen besteht, die bei der Bildung des Universums anwesend sind.
Schüsse : 2
Beschädigung : 60-100
Angebot : 8.55

Poland :
Staff of Cosmic Whole
Description : Złota laska transcendentalnego zrozumienia, złożona z kryształów obecnych w tworzeniu wszechświata.
Strzały : 2
Obrażenia : 60-100
Zasięg : 8.55

Spain :
Staff of Cosmic Whole
Description : Un personal de oro de comprensión trascendente, hecho de cristales presentes en la formación del universo.
Dañar : 60-100
Distancia : 8.55

What about it ? I think it should be in experimental /Language option.


i guess u didnt translate the actual name?

well there isnt too much demand for it, and it takes a lot of effort, unless u just plugged it through google trans


I don’t think this should be an option to add, by now everyone is used to the names in english, and changing it to your own language would be pointless, if you’re new in the game you will see people saying buying fouls, acclaims, and you won’t know what item is that since in your language it’s named different, plus everyone types in english :d


even if they want, for good translation they need to hire translator that need more expense


If I couldn’t read the language, I think I’d just see it as the “red and gold staff that says T12 by it”.


As soon as you put more than 1 language in, there will be a massive demand for every bleedin’ language on the planet. Not to mention terrible translations and the sudden influx of people typing in the russian alphabet or whatever. Then this causes problems with the naming convention for characters seeing as it only accepts the English alphabet.


true, i want to talk to some of my korean friends in well korean, but i cant.


I ran that by my polish friend and he said it makes no sense. second of i think it only being in English has probably helped people expand their English vocabulary, ik it has helped me learn of a lot of new terms in English.
@Cliches i dont have this problem as it seems no one else in my country likes realm lol


We need this game to support ideagraphs, languagewise


Im from Poland so ur friend is 8 years old ?


I said dont change names … it is really hard to read all the post?


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