Leaf Ninja ST Set (Almost Complete)


I like the Sprite for the star. The rest of them, not so much. Overall you need to add more shading. Just use your base color and slightly adjust little by little the color variants. The armor looks like a heavy armor rather than the cloth. Maybe if you take out the upper left and right corners it would look a little better. The set Sprite doesn’t look that great, but from experience I know how hard it is to make a nice set Sprite so a B+ for effort. The star is really op, you do not have a cooldown so with a good pet you can spam these incredibly high damage stars. You also didn’t include the overall set bonuses. You put completed in the title even though you do not have any descriptions. The katana seems fine in terms of stats to me. Although I’d like to see the arc on the shots. Never put atk on a weapon. Just adjust the damage accordingly. I’d like to see the shot for the full set as well, because in all ST sets the shot changes with the full Sprite. Overall seems rushed, very little shading, star is op, some effort shown, no descriptions​, misleading title, no overall stat bonuses, and crucial components missing. (In example the star’s cooldown.)


It’s funny to me how you are reviewing items when your items have been very sub-par yourself…


OK going to cut in here - a player doesn’t have to be good at the game to understand concepts and give critique. Proof? Look at every sports coach ever, in any sport.

Only thing I’ve got to say is that the player sprite looks hilarious.

  1. It’s too big (needs 8x8).
  2. He looks like a skinny white boy trying to impersonate Zelda.
  3. His right eye seems to morph into the top of his head, which probably wasn’t your intended effect.
  4. It’s not a complete set of views…no animations/images of attacking, walking etc.

EDIT: I can’t agree with you on that, because it supports the notion that knowledge must come from skill. @MrLoaf
Some of his points I agree with.

Plus, all “ethics” set aside, you should be well aware that a post like that is just going to instigate an arguement, you know it’s going to cause an aggravated response.


That is totally false. Without an understanding of how an item is balanced and why it is balanced there is no way anyone (especially OG) can give advice to another. Proof? look at his paladin set :joy:

You’re one through 4 are correct.

Also i know the coach thing is a stereotype but my track coach was in the olympics so…


Well that’s not the point. The point is anyone can give their opinion and it’s very shallow minded if you think otherwise. It’s forums, and no one has any restrictions on whether they want to post one thing or another. If I want to review something I will.


And my paladin set was a mistake. It wasn’t balanced and that’s why I began to make just sprites as that is the only time I have ever gotten a nice compliment on.


In my opinion knowledge comes from experience. In math experience simply means reading formulas and practicing them on paper. In english it means reading and writing. In realm is comes from learning about the game and playing it. There is no knowledge without practice. In turn, the more you practice and learn about something (be it realm, english, or math), the more skill you will acquire in said topic. If you are not acquiring skill it means you are not trying new things which means you cannot be learning more on a broad scale. So yes I think knowledge is closely tied to skill, just as knowledge is tied to purposeful learning. Knowledge does not come from these things as you said, it is merely a marker of your skill and time spend learning.

I highly doubt it will. @OgGamerGod is a good sport about these things and even admitted to his mistakes in his own post. With time and research he can easily begin making better item ideas. No argument necessary :slight_smile:

Leaf Ninja ST Set Sprite

Thanks for the kindness @MrLoaf


Seriously? There is nothing wrong with him giving someone advice just because you aren’t good at it. @Stuartcat gave a great example on how sport coaches don’t have to be great at the sport. I say @OgGamerGod should continue giving reviews and helping out people who have given effort by giving effort back, and he should continue making ideas because I like his effort and he will improve. Now let’s talk about this set.

I was the one that suggested a ninja set.

Okay, maybe it will become more popular then.

Ooh. Pretty cool! However, I think the shot rate should be higher to increase the DPS. Also, make sure this isn’t too close to the Sullen Blade. I like the sprite.

There’s nothing unique about this.

Balanced, but what will be the point of this?

Okay, pretty good and balanced for an ST ring. I’m pretty sure the new ST Warrior Set’s ring is similar to this, but I’m not sure.

Now, the skin is really cool, but it’s too lifelike to be considered good for RotMG. Your other sprites are nice though.

Try making some set bonuses, and make all the stat bonuses in each item similar, like all having dex and spd or all have wis and mana. Please give explanations on how it’s balanced and stuff, but overall, good job and good effort. A :candy: for you!


:slight_smile: See you have a very good attitude about these things. As I said all you really have to do is read up on the stats of an item of the same type that you are making, fiddle with one in-game, and then achieve a better understanding that will vastly increase the quality of your item ideas. BTW those necro sprites were cool so you’ve already done half the battle, get some stats on those puppies!


Lol I’ll think about it :slight_smile:


Uhhh idk about that, if all 3 shots hit then it does more than doku per shot. however that all depends on how far apart the spread is… pixie style or dblade style. @AidanGe thi is kinda important lol.





okay im done


The description should be

This is why you don’t try throwing a leaf.


@AidanGe I get no credit for making the skin? :confused:


I will give you credit, and also, I put “completed” because I didn’t know I had a time rush until I was told i did, mid-post. Apologize for that.


Also, someone close this b/c I am making a final one, with a better skin of my own, which I didn’t think would come out that well xD




[I can do that. OB]