Legendary, Worn, and Event Quest Chests


Before I begin, please take note of two things: 1. while this is something I would like to see in game, I do not realistically expect it to be implemented and 2. I’m terrible at spriting, so in this idea and future ideas I may create, don’t expect any sprites

I really like the new daily quest system (though it’s still far from perfect), but I noticed that there a several marks that drop but are not used in any of the tinkerer’s quests (woodlab, nest, ice cave, davys, and mountain temple marks). I would really like to see these marks be used, and this is one way to do that. I would also like to suggest that DECA add marks for all the event bosses, the hive, pirate cave, forest maze, forbidden jungle, crystal prisoner, bes, nut, forgotten sentinel, twilight archmage, all the lod bosses, and all the cland bosses, both for the purposes of these new chests and because they indicate whether or not you got soulbound on a boss.

Worn Quest Chests: This idea is mainly intended to help newer players. Worn quests would appear in addition to the five quests players currently get everyday. These quests would use hive, pcave, forest maze, and forbidden jungle marks, so they would be easily attainable by even the weakest of players. These chests would drop tier 1-6 weapons and armor, tier 1-2 rings and abilities, common pet eggs, and the uts from forbidden jungle and hive, and would have a 50% chance of dropping a 1 hour exp booster. The pet eggs would be dropped a decent rate to help new players with getting their first pet.

Legendary Quest Chests: Legendary quests would only appear during the first and last weekend of every month, either in addition to the normal quests and epic quest or as a replacement for the epic quest. The legendary quest could be for eight of any mark not used by normal, worn, or epic quest chests (as determined by DECA), so stockpiling these marks would be pointless. Players would have the same legendary quest for the entire weekend, and could turn in the quest up to five times. The legendary chest would drop two or more pots that the boss the quest was for could drop. For example, if the quest was for Bes then the legendary quest would drop two or more life, whereas if it was for Hermits then it would drop two or more pots in any combination of vit and dex. The legendary quest would also drop any whites that drop from the boss the quest was for, as well a very low chance for a specific skin or pet stone that is somewhat related to that boss. For example, if the quest was for Bes then the legendary chest would drop pyras, prots, and a Mini Bes Knight Skin (DECA please, mini bes is necessary for my survival), and if the quest was for Hermits then the legendary chest would drop Juggs and a Mini Hermit God Pet Stone. These skins and pet stones could also be made available in mystery boxes, and would in theory still sell because of the low rate at which the skins and stones dropped in the chest, and the fact that the chest for each individual boss may only appear once every year.

Event Quest Chests: These quests would only appear for specific events (ie. MotMG, Christmas event, halloween event, etc.), as determined by DECA. They would have event-themed drops and be gathered using the marks of bosses related in some way to the event, as determined by DECA.

If anyone wants to sprite anything that I have written about here, please feel free. (Someone please make a mini bes :smiley: )


I forgot where I saw it but there are sb thresholds for different type loot. Marks are really low, so just because you qualify for a mark doesn’t mean you qualify for actual loot.


Really? I didn’t realize that. If that is the case though, I think that it should be changed so that you have to qualify for loot in order to get a mark.



I’ll just be glad when they implement more varieties. Like a combo of sews and cem, or 2 of each Kabam Epic Dungeons and so and so.


Yeaaa… no. The spacing out of the quests are too large just to have a chance of something only depending on the specific boss you get by rng. It adds too many layers of RNG to the game, and at some point it just makes it not fun anymore and in turn makes it tedious.

I don’t like the idea of ‘helping newer players’ for several reasons, the main one being that it doesn’t promote learning the game on your own/doesn’t add any consequence to the game. Obviously I’m for an ‘Event Chest’ where you get to do Lotlls or Skull Shrines with chances at their whites, but I think adding more than that is pushing it on either side. Noobs don’t need ‘fri itens’ especially ones as bad as this (like seriously not even t10 weapons/armor?)

Defeats the purpose of a quest imo, these events are already a chance at extra loot, I feel like adding a quest chest to it is just pushing it at that point.


That skin is cool, but it doesn’t look enough like Bes. Thanks for posting it anyway. I haven’t really spent much time on the forums or reddit, so I haven’t seen this before.


I probably should have clarified this more in my post, but I was thinking rather than using RNG, Deca would select a quest prior to that weekend, and that would be every player’s quest. Also, the point of these chests would be to have a fun event to give players a chance a skins. I didn’t intend it to be something where players would farm for a specific chest to get a specific skin.


No Worries! :+1:


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