

Looking For Guild


  • I am 40 stars
  • English
  • 8/8 3k base fame knight died today, currently have 6/8 trickster
  • Skills: can run Tombs & every other dungeon except shatters (would love some help to learn)
  • No cheaters
  • GMT:+00
  • Contributions necessary, ie X hours per day 2 - 3/week, opening candy dungeons sometimes, etc.


You can join toxicity! We welcome people like you withopen arms! For more information, go to our recruitment page: Recruiting for Toxicity also, we pop keys! Anyways, join Toxicity!


huh, thought you were quitting.





You could join my guild. You do not meet the reqs completely but you seem like you could keep characters fairly long. So feel free to join our disc and give it a shot. https://www.realmeye.com/guild/Pact


We can show u de wae

Don’t be a dolt, but otherwise we pretty much just run dungeons as groups with whoever is on


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