LoD New UT's ideas


you can, but yours is just easier.

does the decoy stop at the mouse? [quote=“NEOTICK, post:1, topic:5591”]
On Equip: -10 DEF,-10 SPD,+10 ATK, +10 DEX

i was gonna give a like due to the first two being decent, but this…
you can just use these in ots. Although, crown would still be more optimal, but still rather boring compared to the other two[quote=“NEOTICK, post:1, topic:5591”]
Nature Sword

ehh, not a fan of this one either

the sprites are all meh, don’t really think lod should get 13 whites/ut items


Imprisonment orb



also kinda looks like the st orb


The orb is pretty darn op. Now mystic is probably better than wizard at crowd-control simply because you don’t need to aim your orb correctly. The radius will take care of it. Curse on top of that?


I love the ring it’s great for a buff.


YES! I have watched so many guides on using a trickster and still can’t control where the decoy goes (I blame lag) so this idea is amazing to me


this ring is op on a knight


sprites are nice, didnt read the rest


um… I’m fine with the -10 def, but the -10 spd is basically crippling, the sprite is good, and I know what it’s like to have someone say your idea may have a flaw (Correct me if I am incorrect) but all in all, I think it should at least be only -5 spd. I get it (high risk high reward) but the lack of speed makes the risk not entirely worth it…


As a person who adores trickster, I feel that that prison is over powered with 100% aim, and rids the need for puppet prisms (encore and normal)


The orb is nice I think, don’t know if it would be overpowered or not.

Same with the prism, although it seems a bit OP to control that easily the way the decoy is going.

The ring is too OP, gives almost twice more dps than a crown or an ub ring.

We don’t need any more sword ideas, make staffs instead…


nope, it works like a normal Decoy, only that you aim it

true, true…

this was mainly made for classes that need a boost in their DPS, like Mystic or Priest, because they can sacrifice this 2 stats since they are not in deep as other classes (except if you have prot, in wich case, this just will be a swap-out or something).
I wouldn’t recommend it for classes like the knigth (becauses the -10 spd can be crippling for one of the slowest class in realm), or a warrior (because he already has a ton of atk and dex, and he needs the def)

well,it seems a little too much, but answer me this, how many of the lod whites are actually good?, besides, i was thinking this should drop from a cyan bag, like the bone dagger in manor, and only drop from the bosses

but anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this


well before the buff: star, all the dragon set (sword has its uses, especially b/c the stat bonus for full set is dope), fire armor

After update: everything.


not necessarily, because the Encore’s Prism and Ghostly still being usefull for damagin enemies, and the theater’s Prism… well maybe that one wouldn’t still being usefull.


oh they updated them?, i didn’t know.


Mystic it’s usefull for many runs, but along with the priest, it has the lowest DPS in game;
it only compensate with the curse effect to make more damage to enemies. and the Wizard still being the “DPS-Machine” of realm, so his title of crow controller is never gonna be take .

also that…[quote=“XSpinATKx, post:21, topic:5591, full:true”]
Umm, EP?

if you’re brave enough to go with a EP on a mystic go ahead, but if you don’t pop the mobs in one shot, they’ll pop you


Umm, berserk?


Umm, EP?


i never rely on decoys to damage enemies


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