Looking for a guild


I’m looking for a guild to grind with and run some dungeons with and chill.
I’m not an experienced player and haven’t played that much but i have had some 8/8s and i know what to do to max a character and can do it quite easily i just don’t know what I’m doing after I have maxed a character.

My discord is deliverydog add me on their to chat :slight_smile:


I think it’s best to avoid death and do exaltation dungeons as shown in the stats. However I would recommend watching videos before doing dungeons otherwise you’ll be dying on a couple of characters to improve every step of the way into the same exalted dungeon. It will take a lot of muscle memory and intelligence/graphical information/dexterity of hands and some wit to accomplish. However some dungeons are deemed impossible to complete nowadays for the average player such as me. Best of luck.


Hey man!

Death Poets is always recruiting, most of our players are USE2, but we also have active members in our community from all over. We do chill dungeon hosting all the time, too.

Squad up! https://discord.gg/98atKPB


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