Looking for Friends



Posting to join a semi-serious guild. I have 2 8/8 Characters - necromancer and knight with some good gear (Tops and UTs mostly) and am working on a third.

I love running tombs, Lost halls, and would like to expand to shatters, nests, fungal, o3 if possible- need a mentor!



If you want tips for endgame dungeons, you can hit me up on discord at @Maddymoon | MM #9942.

I don’t play much anymore, but i’d be happy to give some advice on endgame content if you’d like.


If you still need a guild, Axiom church is recruiting. We can teach and guide you with the end-game dungeons you need help on.

Let me know if you are interested.


I am so interested! What is your discord?
Thanks so much!


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