Looking for Guild: Two Brothers Active in Disc


IGN : Onyxwulf
IGN : Anotherjig

We both bounce around servers, usually on USEast2.

I have 10+ years in the game and am looking for some new buddies that want to run end game dungeons. I used to be a leader of The Infamous and played back when MAFIA and CREAM ran the game. I am sick of discords like pub halls and dungoneer and would love to be able to run keys with a tight nit group.

We both have a solid amount of 03 and a ton of halls completes, would love to learn new shatts with a good group.


Join Decieve were top 60 in game and do shatters o3s etc


In a similar situation - 5 years experience, dying guild, trying to learn shatts but comfortable with everything else


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