Looking for Guild


IGN : Broquick

Suddenly gained a weird amount of interest in this game looking for a guild to help me learn and progress as a player.


Experience in MMO’s and understanding of game mechanics.

Active and willing to discord.




My name is UBEBA, and I am a guild leader for my guild Bogger Gargler. Our guild leaders and founder have extensive game knowledge (some of us have played for 10+ years) and we would love to have you and teach you the game from the ground up.

Our discord server is https://discord.gg/wwcGgERf2s , feel free to join just to be friends if you’ve already found one!


Hey Broquick!

I’m GimReaper, the guild Founder for Death Poets. Our guild is recruiting players at all skill levels. No matter who you are, all are welcome to join! We promote freedom of the individual above all else, and enjoy helping others in ROTMG. :slight_smile: people have the right to enjoy ROTMG without being shackled by arbitrary rules!

Here’s our discord server DeathPoets , we’d love to see you on our team!


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