Lost Halls Official Trailer


A official game trailer? I would argue no


Wow O_o


I have already lost 2 6/8ā€™s to the nest and I am planning to make a throw away wizard for the Nest. However, now that I know that this dungeon is coming out soon, YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET, I am definitely making a throw away wizard!


Iā€™m LOST for words. I cannot begin to describe how excited I am for the addition of this dungeon. 5 new class focused sets, 2 new tiers of weapons.


But is says deca games i the ad so they endorse it

I think it should be in news and info



First off, I like how the sprite makes it look like whatever was above the halls wen in.
Things to note:

  • the place is going to be cramped, and thereā€™s going to be hordes of enemies. Piercing classes should find a lot of usage here.
  • Status effects ahoy! Pet stasis, paralysis, sick, quiet, confuse, armor break, petrify, geeze the Mount. Temple isnā€™t even done yet!
  • T13+ being released? Oooh, I wonder how thisā€™ll change the UT balance of the game! If itā€™s just a difference of 5 min atk and max atk, I think itā€™s not that bad. (It is a hard dungeon afterall, so it would be pretty rare. A deca each perhaps?)
  • Thatā€™s the most number of UTs Iā€™ve seen in a dungeon!

Letā€™s seeā€¦ some of the noteworthy ones are

  • Quiver which releases 5! Extreme version of the bee reskins?
  • the blade, which hits left and right, sequentially. INteresting!
  • Necro set! That staff looks like a backwards-shooting EP, with a stasis SKULL
  • Trickster set!
  • ARMORED + Damaging to PALLY! With a totem, which exudes the armored status! WAAAAAT?
  • The prism puts a ddecoy right where youā€™re standing! Very handy!
    UTs might be very powerful,but since the game is expanding to T13 and above, Iā€™m really excited to whatā€™s going to happen to the landscape!

Props to @NubieDubie! He helped me look out for the stuff in the trailer!


IKR if he died then you KNOW itā€™s hard!


Have you actually not seen the word sheet for the Lost Halls yet? All the details are on there lmao


Here you go: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NerEvsuzHiC9yB2ijHPTkiO3n8NIQn8kS89Ytd5kpGs/edit
Everything that the Lost Halls contains, is in this document.


T13 armors are not soulbound. But good job.


Sorry, mate. Itā€™s different. The new Lost Halls are grander in scale!
For example, the Pally Seal does not quiet the enemy;it summons a totem which armors you up!


kill me :>


Ayy good job using multiple replies to comment to others! Top tier!

The document may differ slightly from the end result, much like the shatters.


i was just told this :>


I read a much older version of the pdf of the Lost Halls that was over 100 pages. This one looks more up to date so I guess I am going to be reading it while I am doing nothing at work. :slight_smile:


The dungeon has undergone a lot of changes. That document may give some general ideas, but I donā€™t suggest using it as a guide for the actual dungeon at all.

I think you might be confusing it with a different dungeon document. The Lost Halls has always been 54 pages and thatā€™s the exact same document I posted back in 2015. Itā€™s just as outdated.


Only mods have this power :frowning:


This is the most shock and anticipation Iā€™ve ever gotten from a rotmg trailer this really seems like itā€™s going to change the game


The dungeon is most likely going to come out August 1 when MOTMG starts, so this dungeon will most likely be released 1 week after this trailer came out, exactly like the Nest that was released 1 week after itā€™s trailer came out.,


DECA GOING CRAZY with these new crazy dungeons