Magic Bag!


My guild is about to do a melee-only tomb of the ancients, so we ask for pots from Guill. He gives us 12 hp pots and 4 mp pots split into 2 bags (Somehow). After we emptied the bag of pots, the bag was still there! Any ideas on what happened?


a lag spike maybe…?


Weird, I know that you can get 2 bags when Guildmate A does half the damage to the chest, and Guildmate B does the other half but that’s always 8hp/8mp pots. And the bag disappears.


I got a white bag in a ice cave once

It was freaking empty, and I stayed and mourned over it for its 30 seconds

I despise weird bugs


It’s either lag or a weird bug


how is ur internet?


Theres a fake white bag item.


I will tell the other guy (in-game) what I told you, it was boosted
Maybe i shouldn’t used loot boosters as I have lost every boosted white bag I’ve gotten without actually using it, there was an empty one, 2 from a Lord of the Lost Hermit (I AM DEPRESSED TO THIS DAY AT DYING BEFORE I REACHED IT), and a deva lost about 3 minutes after equipping it


i think if you dropped a ut into it you could give it to another player.


Thats not how it works. It’ll just drop as a separate purple bag. The only way that is possible was the old beach bum bag.


shit yeah i guess. I forgot what happened, haven’t tried in like a year and havent played for a month or 2.


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