Making Backpacks Unsoulbound/Daily rewards rant


The Ambrosias from the daily login rewards are stored in your gift chests and can be kept there indefinitely. And you’re going to need them for your Legendary pet, especially if you’re still low on account fame and thus can’t feed your pet dozens of lower-fp items.

Or you can do what I do and have the new characters farm their own pots (other characters can give them a bit of a headstart, but afterwards they are self-sufficient).

Remember: you don’t need backpacks when you’re drinking everything right away.


I’d put pack on my 6/8 Mystic because it is my current godland farmer. I’d be able to put up another 6/8 farmer ready with a pack if she dies.

As for prepping for the future? Meh. I really don’t think that feedpower will be my issue. Fame is a big deal to me.

Also, I don’t play enough to get the daily rewards. Maybe I will in the future tho.

(I might do what my brother did and buy the pet yard upgrade with real money, not sure if it is worth it tho.)

I’m stubborn on this topic when it comes to my method of doing things. The amount that ambrosia had done for my pet before was so minimal that I don’t even want to imagine what it would do for above 70/70.
(It’d be pretty good for a 70/70/0 to get that third ability up, but right now I do not want Attack Far, electric, decoy, hell I don’t even want a third ability. Give me savage, lol.)


I still enjoy farming abysses, but regardless there are still plenty of other dungeons to farm. I use swap-outs when relevant. I have basically no vault space and two characters, so I may have overestimated the benefit of a backpack for the average player. However, I still maintain that if you fit the criteria I outlined (have decent pet, play frequently on few characters, keep those characters alive), you should take a backpack over an ambrosia if given the choice (assuming you already have equal amounts of both).

It is true that ambrosias are always powerful compared to other feed items, but in my original reply I mainly focus on the immediate benefit (which is at best, a fraction of a level for my pet). I think that if you have a specific end goal for your pet (eg. max legendary, max divine), you may value ambrosias more on account of satisfaction of reaching that goal. I have already accepted that I’m not going to get a divine pet, which devalues feed power slightly for me. An ambrosia only “saves” you hours of farming if you already decided to dedicate those hours to farming had you not obtained an ambrosia.

For me anecdotally, I have an abundance of fame and lack items to feed, so I should have added that to my criteria above. Again, I’m not saying backpacks are better on average, just that there are there are lots of players in similar situations and it is reasonable for those players to prefer backpacks.

Once again, I value a significant boost in a long-living character than I do a slight boost on a permanent pet. It is just the conclusion reached by I and many others based on a certain playstyle. Your conclusions based on your playstyle may be different.

I was not addressing OP but rather the discussion of backpack vs ambrosia taken place inside the thread; I think everyone agrees that DECA should not follow through with OP’s suggestion.


Yes, I would rather have an item like that. It increases my pet ONE LEVEL, okay, ONE LEVEL.


The cost of an anbrosia is equivalent to 12 backpacks, which will last through the playthrough of 12 characters. 1 ambrosia literally increases my pet level by 1, which is basically having +1 hitpoint healed through each heal, which is worthless; its not gonna help save my character, while having 11 backup backpacks will be more beneficial.


You guys know what long term is?

It usually pays out a lot more then things in the short term.

Anyway what’s worth what aside. Quit your begging


Flawless, in the sense that you probably only have an uncommon pet. Some of us would love to see more backpacks than ambrosia, 1 level is neglictable, while 12 backpacks is not.


We agree that backpacks are powerful, but it’s also an argument to NOT spoil players with so many of them.


Rare pet! :triumph:


And if you had items with higher singular feed power, you would need to feed your pet less times to reach the same level, which in turn means leveling your pet up would cost less fame.

Takes a minute each day to login and collect.

Take it from someone who has made a 90/90/76 pet f2P and is currently gunning for Divine still f2P: you’re going to want all the Ambrosias you can get, especially if you don’t play often enough to do what I’m doing and farm hundreds of Mad Labs.


I never said ambrosia absolutely sucks, and many people are taking it that way. I’m stating that I would rather have backpacks than ambrosia based on my style of play; I’ve been having a bad time keeping my characters alive, but usually my characters live for nearly 4 months or more, like my knight, and my passed on archer.
Backpacks would really help me out more than ambrosia, because I keep swapout rings, armor, and weapons, and sometimes abilities. I 8 spaces in my inventory are dedicated to swapout items and consumables, and without the backpack, I would have no room for pots. And, I am currently unable to spend my ambrosia, and nor would it be effective with upgrading only 1 level. I’m just saying, a backpack would be infinetly more benefical to ME than an ambrosia.
Also, remember when deca gave us a char slot and vault slot? It would be nice if instead of a stupid ambrosia and pet stone those two items would be there…
I sound whiny, but i would have the march calendar every month instead of ambrosias at the end of every month


I’ve never spent a penny on RotMG, and I’m very grateful for all freebies :slight_smile:
Once these were occasional giveaways on random days and if you happened not to log in on the right day/week you missed it. Having the monthly bonuses is just a joy. Yes here are things I would like to get that we don’t (backpacks, chests, character slots), and there are things we do get that I don’t bother collecting (cloths and dyes mostly, and the XP boosts), but overall it is free and I am grateful. The ambrosia has been great for my pet.

My biggest gripe with the login bonus is that if there are only 30 days in the month then you have no leeway to miss a day. And I can’t log in on my phone… :frowning:


Sucks that Deca isn’t worried about one single player, doesn’t it?

Well jeez, having 8 swapouts isn’t everyone’s playstyle. If you’re that invested in having 8 swapouts, go buy a few backpacks - you clearly believe that you survive enough to justify having them.

It’s more than anyone else has done for us, eh? Why not be grateful and not rant on wanting more?

Yes you do, and it’s quite unbecoming.


I’m sure that a lot of people would like a backpack more than an ambrosia.

Maybe not 8, but at least some swapouts; excuse me if i don’t want to go running to my vault every time I get a pot like a kid who has a bowel disorder.

Ahh, the power of selective editing.




Err… What?

I basically said the same thing he said for the most part

Implying ambroisa is not worthless compared to packs.

Same obstacle

Reason for it

Heck, a third person that can actually use ambrosias is in our position too.

I may not agree with his view on the original topic, but at this point he’s simply stating that to him backpacks are worth more than ambrosia and listing the reasons why.

Just because ya disagree with what someone once said doesn’t mean ya should disagree with the person themself. And besides, as far as I can tell, he is saying he would prefer that DECA gave us backpacks over ambrosia. An apple or an orange, not an apple and an orange.

I’d like to see more backpacks for F2P players too, and I’ve got a feeling that there is a 95% chance that we will see them pop up again in MotMG.


My bad, you’re right.

Yeah MotMG’s probably gonna seem extra special with a much needed backpack


And hopefully new content and fun events (Not that it wasn’t any good last year!)

Oh! That reminds me. The Realmeye forums came along some time either during or after MotMG from what I remember. This means that MotMG and the forum’s one year anniversary may line up. Neat.


Also, I really am not the one being petty at this point tbh. @Shatter look how famous you are!

An ambrosia is literally better than a backpack for OP at the stage which he’s at with his pet. But hey, what would I know, I’m just some scrub with an uncommon pet, amirite?

I’m sorry Jaws, I’m not going on a vendetta against OP, but I just had to make it clear that I’m not unjustified in what I’d written.

Backpacks may be a good thing to have in daily login calendar, or they may not be. We can sure as hell have a debate regarding that. But OP made a post rantung about backpacks being SB.


Yeah, I’m aware. That is why I said at this point the topic rotated to a different subject. I can assure ya tho, I definitely do not agree with the majority of what he has said, insults and ideaologies alike. Your last reply to him is the only thing I turned sides on.

I guess what I can say to you is to not stoop near his level?

Meh, that was probably very poor wording but I’m sure the point got across.