Marks as Boss Resummons


Everyone’s thought about how marks could be used, but one idea I’ve never seen thrown around is if marks could be used to respawn bosses. If you have the right amount of marks, then you can summon the main boss of a dungeon and re-fight it. The cost would vary dependent on the difficulty of the boss, and you could only resummon the dungeon boss that drops the mark. Bosses can only be resummoned once in the same dungeon. To avoid being glorified piñatas, resummoned bosses have a higher chance of dropping better loot, maybe a 1.5x chance for UT’s or more stat pots. The point is to give marks a purpose beyond being simple fodder for more loot or feed power, but rather something you have an incentive to horde for.


imagine being able to use 4 cult marks to summon just the boss room :weary: might make cults bearable. love the idea :+1:

or re-summon it in the same dungeon, both are good


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