Masochist Class Idea


New Class Idea: Masochist

Leather Armor

(Of course, that’s not gonna be the actual name, I just
can’t think of one at the moment.)

(I can’t make fancy tables so have this)

Max Stats:

HP: 670

Mana: 385

Atk: 50

Def: 25

Spd: 60

Dex: 50

Vit: 40

Wis: 75

Base Stat:

HP: 100

Mana: 100

Atk: 10

Def: 0

Spd: 12

Dex: 10

Vit: 10

Wis: 15

Level 20 Avg:

HP: 575

Mana: 290

Atk: 31

Def: 0

Spd: 40

Dex: 29

Vit: 21

Wis: 43

Stat Growth (I don’t know how to do these so please correct me)

HP: 20-30

Mana: 7-13

Atk: 1-2

Spd: 2-4

Dex: 0-2

Vit: 0-1

Wis: 2-4

So, you are probably wondering why the ability is just ???..
well that’s because I have an idea, just have no clue what
to call it.

So here is the idea…

Passive: Your % missing hp scales your Atk by that %
EX: You are missing 10% of your health. Your Base attack is
50, so 10% of that is 5, so you have 55 Atk.

The Issue: That’s gonna be really hard to code, especially
for all of the spaghetti code in this game. And that’s not
even the confusing part yet.

Active While Held Down: The values of your HP and MP Switch,
and you’ll become silenced so if you have 400/670 HP,
and 385/385 MP, you will have 400/670 MP and 385/385 HP.
Your MP (The 400/670) will deplete at 10% Max Mana per second. When you let go, the values will switch back.
(So if you have 300/670 MP when you hold, it will go to
300/670 HP when you let go)
Edit: So when you hold, if you get hit, it drains from the HP (385/385)
So if you get hit for 100, your HP will be 285/385. Of course, your pet
can still heal you.
Example (Using round numbers for convenience.) You have 700/700 HP and 400/400 MP without holding. When you hold, you will get silenced your new values are 400/400 HP and 700/700 MP. As you hold, your new MP will drain by 10% per second so in this case 70. You hold it for 2 seconds so your mp is 560/700. Suppose you get hit by a shot and it does exactly 100 damage. It will drain from you new HP, so it will go from 400/400 HP to 300/400. When you let go, your stats will be 540/700 HP and 300/400 MP, and you will no longer be silenced.

The Issue: …That’s a lot of words. Hard to code.

Active: A single target strike, thin, range about 5.0 tiles.
Damage is based on a multiplier of the amount of new mana
depleted while held.

T0: 0.5 - 2.0
T1: 1.0 - 3.0
T2: 2.0 - 4.0
T3: 3.0 - 5.0
T4: 4.0 - 6.0
T5: 5.0 - 7.0
T6: 6.0 - 8.0

The issue: Confusing scalings.

…That’s all I have. I doubt this class will get any
recognition, and that I will have the motivation to even
finish it. But hey, it was a fun idea.


This isn’t Mundo from League Of Legends ffs


This is a great idea but…



league of big gey


It’s a cool idea, but the hp/mp swapping ability is kind of pointless since it doesn’t actually remove any hp.


I tried to make it more clear so please check it out


I don’t really understand it, seems like a bunch of words. I’m not the smartest person tho

I’m not sure if this is useful.

I like the first idea, maybe try and turn that into an actual ability. :smiley:


Yes just try swapping hp and mp when you’re quieted first.


Wait where did I say quieted?


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