Mistletoe + Pally Buff broken?


Idk, I used a mistletoe on my paladin, then buffed with my gcookie seal, and it seems to have broken the mistletoe buff (the buff icon shows up above my head but there is no actual hp boost). I was rushing an abyss when I popped the mistletoe by accdient and forgot to screenshot. Anyone else seen this?


I think this happened last year didn’t it?

Edit: yeah @Seelpit posted something about it in the 2017 topic: Was This Really Necessary? [new consumables]


What I do know is that multiple HP boosts are very confusing in how they work. During my ST helm gameplay, the +250 HP buff to my warrior was great! But, if a paladin buffed before I used my helm then it overrides the HP boost from the helm, I get a +20 hp boost or so instead. If I used the helm before then the paladin buffs maintain my helmet buff and add on to it in the same very small amount.


I have no idea how these consumables/HP boosts work :confounded: Is it another spaghetti code issue or intentional?


Maybe it’s the paladin seal programming that’s not working, it was a later modification (Kabam, 25.0.0) to the original seal function which was only healing/damaging, not +maxHP.


Hm. Didn’t know that

Shame I didn’t have non-seal HP boosting items back then to check it with the helm - or if I did I didn’t bother checking. If anyone else has something similar they could run some tests :man_shrugging:


But can you tank The Void’s projectiles with it?


take 15 and try it out uwu :wink:


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