
My huntress was pretty much the only character I played between 2017-2018. She has the most lost halls completes out of all my characters. One day I decided to afk in an empty snake pit room whilst other people were clearing. Came back to a death screen.

And a year later…

I didn’t learn my lesson and afk’d in the udl spawn room. But this time I was alone and it seemed enemies just wandered in without being initially aggored. The paladin one is particularly sad as I got the breastplate and oreo on the same day she died.


I used to save defs… always either bought the warrior archon-ghelm-veng-parahp set or the knight archon-mith-veng-parahp set for 4 def.

I would save 4 def from each char, hoping that I will have enough def to buy another set once the character died.

I died so often that, most of the time, I wouldn’t be able to recoup 4 def.

This was the first knight that I maxed def on. I was able to live for so long that I obtained my first few life pots.

Died in the first tomb I ever attempted.

I used to merch for days at a time, spending countless hours spamming S>Life for OP @PrimeGrind or something along the lines of that and then condensing the overpay in items to multiple life.

Problem was, I never got good at the game.

I was obsessed with the 16x16 st set skins.

I always had a gravitation towards leveling and playing risky, especially with rare whites.

There are so many more sub-level 20 deaths with sub-optimal sets in my graveyard.


My archer …

Oh, that’s right!

Laughs in immortality


It’s okay! The format is just there for organization so it’s easy to see the details of the death.


Oh boy i have a LOT of these

These are what i call “Why I LOVE UDL”

This got me pissed at the time since a windows alert was what ultimately killed me, ghost god then sat on me

Ah yes full blue priest set (the cloths are even blue) and then i die to a GREEN POTION of all things

This was funny because i died when it timed out and shot a bunch of shots, ate em all. Another 8/8 died as well, and it was all on a twitch clip

One of my first 8/8s, died to sitting on ruthven when he threw out yellow daggers. Rip first edictum that took me WAY too long to get another one


…aaaaaaaaand you jinxed it.


Me [insert photo here]

Got a 7, a 10, and 13 in german.

On a more serious note :

Died while being a doofus in the miasma.
Also lost a bulwark.


SUMMARY: This was (most likely) the first 7/7 warrior in the game. As I recall, the race for first 7/7 warrior was between me and a very old MAFIA member named Clocking (he’s dead now), and we were never sure who won, but my character had a better HP roll, so I probably won. This was also my first ever 6/6, and the video of me drinking the last vit pot was my first Youtube video ever (Here it is if anyone was curious. Disclaimer: it’s a very bad video). This is my only memorable death.
DEATH: I was drowsy fighting a Sphinx and I ate a pancake shotgun. This death hurt
IMPORTANT ITEMS LOST: Exa HP. This isn’t a lot now, but back then they were worth a pretty penny. Also, as I was young and impressionable, this shit head dude I used to play with named Maynard who was 10 years older than me convinced me to sell him my first ever Amulet (bought with fame) for this Exa HP. In hindsight, very stupid, but I didn’t know any better at the time.


playing rotmg just helped me cope with a lot of things, especially around the time I created this huntress. I put a lot of hours into maxing her and farming and such, and to see that hard work gone just broke me : / the game hasn’t really been the same for me ever since. admittedly, it was my fault for afking in halls, but just one other person was there and I didn’t really think I had to worry about dying since I was in the corner of an empty room :<
I really should have taken precautions with a character I loved but at least I’ve learned from it.

edit: also, the leaf bow and honey trap were actually the first I had ever gotten, not to mention with that huntress. they haven’t dropped again since, so I guess that just makes her even more special?


Oh boy, a place where I can vent about why I don’t play the game as much anymore!
You asked for this, prepare your ears cause I have a lot of these types of deaths.

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This. One of the only archers I’ve truly enjoyed, and I lost it to the touhou bullet hell shit built into the Thicket. Frankly, I very much dislike things messing with my movement, but being petrified really annoys me, as you either nexus or watch hoping you don’t die, since you can’t do anything. As you can tell, hoping didn’t help much as I still died.

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Red Star: “Is this hard?”
Me: “Na, fungal isn’t hard, especially not when compared to crystal”
proceeds to die like an intellectual

Taught me not to be cocky.

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This death, I genuinely felt upset and angry at. Some guy was talking shit when I called him out on sitting in the spawn room when there were four of us.
Three issues with this;

  1. I was on my laptop, which meant lag, low frames and other shit.
  2. There was a room full of enemies next to us as I had been clearing just then.
  3. Since that guy was an asshole, he wouldn’t/didn’t help me at all.

ONE small slime hops into the room and starts beating the crap out of my knight. I was typing, and panicked so hard I kept reopening the chat when trying to nexus and didn’t think of closing the game.

Cue death screen, and taunts from said guy when I rejoined. He could have very easily taken out the slime. This happened so long ago yet it remains as my worst death ever. I was close to 8/8.

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I… have no excuse for either of these. Pentaract death was from when I was still unfamiliar with the game, and it taught me the valuable lesson of “don’t sit on shit you don’t know well yet”. The necromancer was even sadder, I just sat there in disbelief like “well shit. There goes the last of my good robe class items.” This was a guild udl.

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Top and bottom were my best and favourite PPEs to date, especially the ninja. They were fun to play, and devastating when I lost them. Ninja died literally as the last phase ended and we were finished with the void, so you can imagine my reaction.
And the paladin in the middle was my favourite paladin to date. Oreo was a great tool and I lost it trying to rush a tomb. He helped me learn many things, and I miss him.

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Obligatory first shatters white death. MGM really isn’t a good dungeon.
The other priest was, guess what, my favourite priest to date, died trying to save a pretty atrocious ice tomb. As the only actual ranged class obviously it was either me killing the last raged boss or us leaving and not getting any loot (which you don’t fucking get anyway).

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losing a sentry cloak hurt
guildies weren’t too happy with this.
I recall having to turn around and yell at my brother for harassing my other younger brother, turned back around to death. Proceeded to go through the five stages of grief, still not at acceptance yet.

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Lag. I was doing well as the only guy able to paralyze in that LH and then lag. Golem “ran” back, I chased but it turned out to be a tiny lag spike and he pinged back on top of me. Lesson learnt, don’t trust anything.

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Only wizard I ever enjoyed. Ran over by a spooky boi in the realm. This was most definitely my fault and it definitely hurt my feelings.


This one taught me that you can’t rush UDLs on autopilot





  • It was going to be my first maxed character, plus it was on a ninja, my favorite class. I only had eleven wisdom to max.


  • Was running around the godlands, trying to find a UDL to finish maxing. I was just speeding around, looked away from the screen for a moment, and looked back to see me run onto three medusas.


  • Doku, Dcircle, Deca, the very nice looking winter t13 hydra reskin, and I had a kageboshi in my inventory.


  • Was going to be my first true max, one that I didn’t trade for pots, or use candies (yeah, I know my only maxed character ever was with maxing candies.) Only had seventeen hp and twenty-three def to max.


  • Lagged in godlands one second, the next I was dead.


  • Colo shield, uber mp, reskinned dblade in backpack.


  • I never really liked rogues. After this one, I now do. Plus, I had 9 hp, 7 mp, 6 att, and 8 def to max, so for me he was doing pretty good.


  • So I hopped into a realm, and I saw the Jade and Garnet Statues and was like, “Hey! Maybe I can get some attack or defense from that. Then I can do the mountain temple and hopefully get a mana.” So them I’m there and I’m like, “If I cloak, and stand with no one around or behind me, it wont charge, because it wont have anyone to charge at, right?” WRONG! I was cloaked and on the opposite side as everyone else, and it sat on me.


  • Plainswalker (I guess its sort of important) and Spectral armor. (Cant get it to ever drop for the life of me.)


  • It simply was my favorite assassin.


  • Okay, so um, here’s the thing. I got killed by an urgle. I was a bit distracted at the time, and I walked through a bunch of things, taking away a ton of health, then I stood on the armor breaking thing the urgle puts down and yeah. I lost my six out of eight, with maxed defense, to an urgle.


  • Queens stinger, my one and only beehemoth armor, and my pride and self confidence. (even though I’ve run like 70 Nests!)


I don’t think MT drops mana


Yeah your right, sorry, I don’t do them all that often.


this one

and this one



It does doesn’t it? Not guaranteed but it still can? I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten mana from an MT before


It does not.


Hm, I must be remembering wrong then


I also could have sworn that I got mana from an MT once or twice. Wiki says otherwise, though.