Mountain Temple Boss Killed Through Wall


My guild was doing a mountain temple, and a friend was on warrior. He hid behind the wall to regen (he was primarily dragging shots away), he lagged a bit, and a bunch of shots stacked from said lag, and then he got insta-popped despite being at “safe” behind a part of the wall Daichi can’t shoot at. He wasn’t bleeding, and was at half health at the time.

Edit: Typos, derp



Rip, that’s what lag does to people. Weird stuff.

Deca doesn’t revive characters, but maybe they can fix this by making the wall one tile thicker and longer?


Certain walls don’t exist during lag. The only thing that will always save you is being far away from the enemy.


We can bitch to have this fixed everyday and blame deca for the deaths or we can learn from this, this happens with all tiles that don’t have black tiles in between, if you se this lag either back up very far to the point where dodging the incoming 4000 damage shot will be simple or Nexus.


stuff like that is not always visible, its not the players fault that there is lag like this, its not always simple as “just nexus” or “close your client”


It’s lag you can’t fully blame the player but you also can’t fully blame the Company. You can learn from it so you can counter it in the future. You can see when a bosses phases start to fuck up meaning the boss is lagging. Usually it won’t even shoot so get the hell out.

Basically yes it is, back out or Nexus.


If you’re this close to Daichi in last phase and you’re not seeing projectiles for even a little while, that should be a clear indication you’re lagging.


He was already behind the wall when the lag started, not sure if that’s important


It’s not the lag basically treats the wall as any other tile except ofc black tiles which are non rendered tiles that nothing not even lag can surpass.


deca shud be fixing issues like these, the players have the right to bitch.


Mhm and I’m saying bitching will get you no where use that thing in your head that’s capable of ya know, learning

Also. OPs not even bitching I’m just telling him to or well his friend to learn from the downfalls


u cant learn from lag tf


Yes… yes you can very easily you can learn exactly what happens when you lag and counter it. Not much more to it.


“Learn from it”


Comon cappy you know I ss everything!

Now move on to another thread or get divinity


Not sure what the means but please stay on topic with the thread.


Means you’re only commenting to disagree with me even know ik you think the same.

It is on topic. Topic of telling this person. to learn from mistakes even those that arnt fully his own.

I’ll take my leave now


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