MrEyeBall being useless


That’s adorable, have a cookie. :cookie:


Hehe old school he says.

Back in my day, we used our heads to do the lefttomax calculations.


I’m not adorable I’m an ogre. And I can’t eat cookies because I’m a diabetic. So THERE Mr.Smarty Pants! LeL! :slight_smile:


We knew you’re diabetic. That’s why we gave you a cookie!


I want the cookie


Touche! Hahaha! :slight_smile:


I mean, I personally thing that MrEyeball is derpy af and don’t really use him anymore except to see if any guildies are on (because they all ignore me ;-; ). If you really want to know your roll, nexus, then go on the wiki->Classes->[insert class name], then look at the average there. Or you just memorize all the hp and mp rolls for every class like me :stuck_out_tongue:


Same :slight_smile: I memorized the hp mp rolls
Honestly it isn’t hard to do and won’t take you long so yeah


Or y’know, just use (base hp + 19*25)


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