Muledump Update for 27.7.X12.1


You can trust our friend automizer, but I wouldn’t suggest anything mule dump related that’s not by him.

You don’t really need these updates anyway, it’s perfectly functional.


I still don’t use muledump.

I’m tempted,


Wait @Shatter Was that picture from Mango Peach Grape Hawaiian or some other sketchy website O.O




Well, I took a look at three files he posted in the OP and they seem to be clean, but someone with more coding experience should confirm it. Still, quite suspicious. Thanks for the warning.

@ProfIce, care to explain what’s going on here?

It says

Mind explaining that too @ProfIce ?


The document with all the accounts has since been removed but as you can see from these comments they were in muledump format


Not defending this in any way, but it does say that those accounts were bruteforced, which is pretty much the opposite of stealing accounts through muledump.
Still, might just be lies. And it’s better to be safe than sorry.


How the [redacted] do you bruteforce over 1000 accounts in the same day?


No clue. Also:




My Bad didn’t realize people were posting here. My Shady Life and my Muledump life are two different things. Muledump is open sourced and doesn’t make u download any shady files. Anyone can look through the coding and nothing is shady about it. If you don’t want to use it, you don’t have to but just to assure people. I do take accounts through bruteforcing but Muledump is just something I do as a hobby.

edit: If anyone has any questions about it and if I care or not If I get banned my skype is: mezamog


Also I don’t bruteforce 1k in 1 day, I usually only get around 500 a day, I just don’t post that much publicly


so what you’re saying is the muledump stuff is legit but you still admit to being a bad person


Who cares?


Pretty much lol


I don’t understand why you would spend the time brute-forcing accounts.


So he can sell the accounts for a quick buck, or take the items off them.

Seems simple enough to me.

You make it seem almost as if brute-forcing requires extreme tedious attention. It doesn’t, You leave that shit on, let a program do the checking for you.


I understand that aspect, but what’s the point of posting it on a public forum?

And by the way, @ProfIce, if your hobbies are updating random game applications, then you are one of the strangest people I’ve met.


Well it isn’t a hobby just a small thing I like to do


And that is pretty much it. You just leave an application on nothing more, nothing less