My Katana based class Idea: "Duelist" High DPS


Hey guys since we only got one class that can use the Katana right now I have come up with an Idea of a new potential idea, enjoy!

Name of class: Duelist
Model: Similar to the ninja but wields a sword with another sword on the side of his waist
Weapon: Katana

  • T0-3 Gauntlet: Whatever weapon you have on your #1 inventory slot it will allow you to duel wield both your Katana and the weapon that you desire [1/2/3/4] Seconds (Not abilities just WEAPONS.)

  • T4-6 Gauntlet: Same as the lower tiers but can apply bleeding [5/6/7] Seconds.

Armor: Leather Armor.

Ring: Any ring.

Hope my idea was good, i’d like to have a class like this to play as, I will leave my channel below if you wish to check me out I try to post comedy videos to make people smile!



So double the dps of a ninja and apply bleeding? where are the stats?


I’m not good with the stat part just a rough idea hope someone knows about balance and can add proper good stats to this


Moved to #ideas:classes

No sprites [:heavy_check_mark:️]
No stats [:heavy_check_mark:️]
Is a katana class [:heavy_check_mark:️]
Unclear on basic ability [:heavy_check_mark:️]
Shameless youtube channel plug [:heavy_check_mark:️]

But seriously cut it out with the youtube channel promotion. It’s embarassing.


I just wanted to point out that a duelist is someone who duels, not someone who duel wields katanas.


Once to I saw the link to a youtube channel, I stopped reading. (I saw that first)


Exact-o, the name suggests maybe flintlocks or something, not a katana.


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