
There’s nothing wrong with that. :wink:


i guess it just got a bit heated :man_shrugging:


Pet stasis is still a thing


What? No, I’ve taken a full Medusa shotgun as a 0/8 priest and lived, that’s a terrible example

Still very wrong, most godwalls cannot do enough damage to instapop unless they contain a large amount of Medusas/ghost gods

This would be correct


You can blast through the godlands pretty easily even with a maxed rare though, especially since that knight was 6/8.


Oh shit did you do that math yourself?


Pets are broken and deca has said so themselves. It’s gonna be a long road to a rework, and I doubt it’ll be just a nerf, and definitely not a nerf for just 1 class because that makes no sense.

I think @Nevov had a really cool idea for a pet rework, not sure where it is though.


Maybe thinking of the discussion topic: How would you balance (or nerf) pets? from a year ago which had a bunch of good suggestions about balancing/reworking pets.


Pet stasis is stupid op


I see your pet stasis pet stasis, and raise you: sick sick !


sick is a smart effect. Really screws with divine pet knights


Sure they’re op, but the people who have them are the ones actually supporting the game. If you nerf that, the game will probably die. It’s not an ideal situation, but that’s why it hasn’t really been addressed.


Can’t die if you use autonexus end of argument.


You spend 1000$+ dollar for it
So you don’t expect it to be broken as fuck?


I have rare pet when i play necro i get a pot every 10monster so i dont have a storage for them. I can give you some






I hope this is a joke.


yeah you dont just nerf divine pets right away that would piss off literally every single ppe btw’er
u gotta do it slow


Hehe shhh