New Boss Exp Values

Name HP Scaling Exp New Exp Fame Difference
Dreadstump the Pirate King 800 20% 64 100 0.05 36
Mama Megamoth 1000 20% 120 200 0.1 80
Mixcoatl the Masked God 4200 20% 165 300 0.15 135
Queen Bee 3500 20% 195 500 0.25 305
Arachna the Spider Queen 2700 20% 273 600 0.3 327
Limon the Sprite Goddess 9000 20% 136 1000 0.5 864
Stheno the Snake Queen 9000 20% 390 1500 0.75 1110
Fountain Spirit 15000 20% 195 1500 0.75 1305
Septavius the Ghost God 8000 20% 136 2000 1 1864
Archdemon Malphas 12000 20% 136 2000 1 1864
Dr Terrible 45000 20% 136 1000 0.5 864
Horrific Creation 50000 20% 136 2000 1 1864
The Puppet Master 30000 20% 292 2000 1 1708
Gulpord the Slime God 20000 20% 500 2000 1 1500
Ghost of Skuld 48000 20% 2000 2000 1 0
Golden Oryx Effigy 25000 20% 195 2000 1 1805
Lord Ruthven 12000 175 2500 1.25 2325
Stone Guardian 60000 20% 26 1000 0.5 974
Stone Guardian 60000 20% 26 1000 0.5 974
Janus the Doorwarden 100000 20% 0 4000 2 4000
Giant Oryx Chicken 60000 20% 10000 10000 5 0
Oryx the Mad God 60000 20% 10000 10000 5 0
Oryx the Mad God 100000 30% 20000 40000 20 20000
Thessal the Mermaid Goddess 69000 20% 1000 5000 2.5 4000
Davy Jones 35000 20% 341 5000 2.5 4659
Jon Bilgewater the Pirate King 70000 20% 78 5000 2.5 4922
Murderous Megamoth 30000 20% 58 5000 2.5 4942
Son of Arachna 50000 20% 117 5000 2.5 4883
Daichi the Fallen 85000 20% 1000 5000 2.5 4000
Nut 50000 20% 195 4000 2 3805
Geb 55000 20% 195 4000 2 3805
Bes 65000 20% 195 4000 2 3805
Ivory Wyvern 50000 20% 1462 10000 5 8538
Esben the Unwilling 60000 20% 9750 10000 5 250
The Forgotten King 100000 20% 7000 20000 10 13000
Nightmare Colony 100000 20% 40000 40000 20 0
Killer Bee Queen 300000 5500 50000 25 44500
Marble Colossus 250000 20% 60000 60000 30 0
Shaitan the Advisor 65000 20% 253 8000 4 7747
The Puppet Master 90000 20% 1636 10000 5 8364
Royal Cnidarian 160000 20% 12000 12000 6 0
Xolotl the Lightning God 120000 20% 5000 10000 5 5000
Oryx the Mad God Deux 65000 20% 0 4000 2 4000
Belladonna 75000 20% 253 1000 0.5 747

Patch X.32.0.0: Merry Oryxmas! [misnumbered, is actually X.31.2.0]
New, Havent played since middle of MoTMG

Nice to see more scaling added to the game! And dungeon bosses giving more xp.


which oryx is this?
(one at the bottom)


Battle for Nexus probably.


“Oryx the Mad God Deux” is the name for the Battle Nexus version of Oryx.


Well, so much for this meme I made a long time ago >_<

and hey, that was also my most liked! Deca really does listen, eh? ;)


Thats a good start, but as long as glands continue giving a ridiculous amount of exp, its gonna stay broken.


They can’t completely fix that without changing most of the fame bonuses and/or changing how the realm maps function.

Having dungeon bosses yield barely any exp (and in some cases completely arbitrary numbers as well) despite being considerably harder and taking much longer to take down than godlands mobs was bad design and it’s a good thing they changed it.


gland xp is no where near “ridiculous”, Its worse than halls, parasite or even ice cave fame, and with every update, its only more and more obsolete as a primary fame source


yeah glands exp is still hard work. It’s a much better use of someone’s time to run halls or ice caves because the fame and loot is a better trade off. Besides mindlessly running around glands in a train gets boring after a while and most players can’t do it consistently long term.


Those dungeons are usually done in a fairly big group, so you have to compare the fame rate you usually get from these to the fame from doing glands with an equal group (aka train). By my experience doing halls with sbc gives pretty much exactly 6 fame/min and chained paras at the event gave around 9, which is the range which most trains moved around. Ice caves should be surpassed by a decent train as well.

On the other hand if you compare soloing glands to to soloing these dungeons, then para certainly gives fame faster, even though I’ve never paid attention to the exact rate. I guess that ice caves give like 3fame/min if you solo them (~20 fame at 5-10 minutes) and soloing halls and mbc gives like 100 fame in half an hour, which is about the same. These two are only a bit better than the 2-3 fame you can get from glands farming in an empty realm with a suitable class.

So summed up these three are only a bit better glands.
Considering that they are also
-much harder
-far riskier
-require either a key or a bit of time to find
glands still seem to be the better source.

Thus this current buff doesnt seem to take any other dungeon to the same level as halls or paras since the minions dont give any more exp than before and the bosses werent buffed that much.


I would say in part due to the extreme lack of interest in trains recently in the community, most people would choose those 3 dungeons rather than glands, especially considering you get whites from them unlike gland. Depending on whether there are godwalls or not, gland could potentially be more risky than those dungeons as well.

I don’t really see an issue with glands being a place for people to level or get fame relatively safely, but sacrificing any chance of getting dungeon whites in the process. I really don’t want fame farming to be based on key sales purely, and it currently seems to be moving in that direction. I think its good to have a variety of options for people to gain fame, rather than there being 1 definitive meta where the most rewards and fame come from.

Right now, the game seems a bit 1 dimensional, because the most efficient use of your time in game in order to progress in a combination of UTs, Tradeable wealth, and fame, is lost halls. Just lost halls, all day long. That could get incredibly boring after a while.


I’m disappointed there’s no changes to Lair of Draconis monsters apart from the Ivory Wyvern. Right now the entire dungeon gives zero experience apart from Ivory and its souls.


The dungeons are far less riskier than trains lol. I’ve had more chars die to med bomb stacks in the last two months than from any other dungeons. I never die in parasites or ice caves, and only occasionally in Voids.


Trains with idlers can get up to 20 fpm, so glands is still faster if people want fame only.


won’t change a thing if you do nothing about the Killer Bee Nest (Event Boss) which nobody is killing.

I mean seriously, give Red BeehemothRed Beehemoth
Blue BeehemothBlue Beehemoth and
Yellow BeehemothYellow Beehemoth 1000XP -> 10 000XP each,
the dozen Nest ColonyNest Colonys 1000XP -> 4000XP each, and MAYBE people will start clearing them up.

You went overkill with the Queen and never considered the Realm Event.
To a lesser degree all of the above applies to the Parasite Chambers + Scout Colony as well.


thats not true, maybe 10, 12 if you’re lucky. Since pausing was removed, 15+ fpm trains dont exist anymore, and using idlers doesnt really work as well


Idk these numbers were claimed by the space dash discord a few times they ran in the past few months.


They uh… exaggerate a bit… so they could get people to join ;p
Because barely anyone joins trains anymore


nice to see the new numbers, maybe my average dungeon farmers in glands can actually get fame now.

Seems like 2K for easy bosses and 4-5K for medium bosses.

Really like the shats and nest fame rework