New class: Soldier


He’s talking about this:

Be warned, that’s a really long google doc. But still very much worth the read.


Damn I didn’t mean to copy him. Will read later.


spectral lance is useless, if anyone uses it, it would be to escape, and even tho your invisible, other players are still seen so you’d get hit and die when you charge, if I see someone do that, it’d be pretty funny


Well its kindof like a cloak. Any suggestions on how to change it?


I can tell you this idea is based off the older Fire Emblem games which had a Soldier class who wielded lances.


Make a UT so it does not charge ://////


The lance is a pole weapon or spear designed to be used by a mounted warrior or cavalry soldier (lancer). During the periods of classical and medieval warfare, it evolved into being the leading weapon in cavalry charges

Lances are real things, you know


Not a single Soldier in the entire series can charge through enemies or has any sort of special movement ability similar to the one in this thread.

Going back to this thread, one thing I like about it is that it doesn’t introduce more items that are exclusive to only one class, like Katanas for example. Lots of class ideas are made impractical by requiring the inclusion of more weapon types (and sometimes armor types).


ehh, he looks like a character from lionheart tactics, doubt much people have played that game before


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