New Ninja, Rogue, Archer, Assasin, Huntress, Trickster Armor: Living Crabskin


How about 75?




Really think I have a chance?


Do as you wish, I’m just here to give you advices on the way to go in my opinion.


I appreciate it mate


If you only create ideas to be put into the game and not for the betterment of the game, that’s kinda sketchy.

Just my two cents.


huh? what do you mean?


Well, you keep asking whether your idea will be put into the game, so it kind of implies that you only create so your idea will be implemented, not for the betterment of the game.


I create for the fun and enjoyment of sharing my ideas and actually being noticed by human beings as well as to spread my art and knowledge.
I do hope to one day have AN item put into the game so I can look back at it with pride in my heart. Is this wrong? If I am understanding you correctly you believe dreams are a crime…


All I’m saying is continually asking everybody if your item will be implemented kind of rubs me the wrong way.


sorry I am new to forums. Gotta find knowledge somehow


Any other constructive criticism?


I worked really hard on this one and I want to make it even better


Also, did I make the Armor shape correctly?


ratings? 1-10


Hey @Benleekids! Love the art! Also, when did you join? I have seen you doing a lot of art, and thats great! Would love to see more!


join RealmEye or RotMG?


The RealmEye forums.


thank you very much :grinning:


3-4 days ago I think why?