New Portal Rules


Well, this is awkward. I made this without fully reading the rules, but I can’t delete the topic.

Ah well. I’ll say my piece anyway. If it gets taken down, so be it. I put a post like this at the end of a 197-reply thread in Game Discussion, but I figure it will get more views here.

I’ve noticed a lot of people complaining about Discords rendering the difficulty and experience of end-game content to be too easy and monotonous. I agree.

Here’s one idea for a solution: new rules for keys and portal openings. Here’s what I mean: all portals have a max of 15 or so players, except for keys popped in guild halls. If a portal is dropped by a monster or opened with a key anywhere else, it drops several portals instead of one, enough so that everyone can go in… but in separate dungeons.

Just like for the Nexus portals, each dungeon portal would say how many people are in it out of its max (e.g, 4/15). Keys popped in guild halls would ignore this new rule entirely, and Oryx will still summon everyone in the realm.

This would demand a much higher percentage of players in Discords to become raid leaders, and would demand that a higher fraction of people involved in any dungeon to know what they’re doing for the dungeon to succeed. It would also encourage doing dungeons as guilds, restoring their status as the primary way for players to connect and band together.

Any thoughts?


I’m going to be blunt and say that this sounds horrible. People already complained when DECA added a player cap for portals at all, but lowering it even further would make playing in groups much more difficult. I can understand wanting more people to actually do the dungeon in order to survive instead of relying on each other too much, but this sounds extreme. It’d be like if you removed all of the junk food in the world so that people are forced to eat healthier food rather than just promoting healthier eating habits.


Thanks for the feedback! I guess the whole Discord thing is a little more nuanced than it seems.


Does nothing to stop the usual problems/“problems” of discord meta (elitism, over-efficiency, p2w) and only makes it worse. Under the proposed system, there’s little reason for keys to pop anywhere outside of 4/4 runs. It will make midgame players worse off and do nothing for endgame players. Everybody will still demand discord runs, because they will likely be both safer + more efficient.

RLs aren’t making things much easier. The reason why things are easy in a discord is b/c you are with other players with good stuff. MBC with 30 people who know what they’re doing is gonna be easier than an MBC with 5 randos from the realm.

It’s worth noting that more recent dungeons, like new Shatts or Moonlight Village, are designed around discords. No matter who you’re with, you need enough competence to actually survive the dungeon.


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