New Skull from Secluded Thicket


To be honest, for a whitebag it doesn’t look that special - yes, it’s a direct upgrade over its lower-level counterpart but if doesn’t seem all that impressive.
I hope it can be altered to bring something outstanding, original and worthwhile to it.

I’m not really a fan of the sprite either, I believe that the Cracked Crystal Skull sprite looks far more attractive than this.

Cracked%20Crystal%20Skull > image

New Staff from the Secluded Thicket [unconfirmed details]

I understand how you don’t like this, since it seems like a tiered skull with some stat buffs. May I suggest adding the ability to heal the same amount as the amount of damage you do? Therefore the damage is less, but the heal is more, and both are affected by wis mod.
This will create a skull for a survival necro rather than a damage one.


It’s the direct opposite of the shaitan’s skull(even the sprite mirrors it), probably making it the best skull for crowd control in lower-mid level dungeons with easy targeting and a MP cost of 10 mana less than t6. At the moment though, I dont see much reason for usein end game dungeons besides the wide range maybe.


I believe they already do this, but they could add [Damage: 50-100] and then you get a heal between whatever damage you do in that range.


Skulls have a set heal, while damage is higher and is affected by wismod.


The Cracked Crystal does the same, this is just a direct upgrade over it with extra stat bonuses. Out of a skull that takes no effort to obtain and this; which heals double the amount of that - just with some additional stats - I know which I’d rather spend my time trying to get.

The sprite doesn’t sit well with me either…


Ah, yes…I must’ve been thinking about sonething else. :man_shrugging:t5:


Nobody wants another skull there’s too many stop


Im pretty sure this is just lipservice to all the memers out there


True, we need more UT Seals as there’s only two at the moment.
Yet this is going to be the 5th UT Skull :neutral_face:


i consider st items ut items because they act very similar


I exclude them because all classes will have at 1 ST Set at some point in the future.

UT’s aren’t so consistant…


Any news on the other items getting a buffed version? I wouldn’t mind viable longer ranged staff, maybe with 10 range just to have the same unique uses of an abrahams.



Range: 9.0 Tiles


prite looks a lot like torment


I think that they were going for that, I don’t really like it though. They should’ve drawn inspiration from the Forbidden Jungle’s Skull.


I like the sprite, being a mix of ET’s shape and crystal’s colouration and still having the classic Rotmg skull in the centre.


The sprite looks like a purple shaits skull


It’s the coloration that I don’t agree with.
It’s too much of a pale pink, I think they shouldve stuck with the same colors from the Cracked Crystal Skull.


This is how I would’ve gone about it:
My Version: image
Actual Sprite: image