New type of hack?


Yes, we all know that trolls can never be honest, not even when there are other people who agree.


Even though the situation is real, he probably means otherwiseā€¦


The post got a discussion going. No need to bring up a userā€™s reputation, seeing as he hasnā€™t really done much to fan the flames in either direction.

What exactly is your problem then?


You know.
I would believe you
But youā€™ve lost all reason for me to believe you.
Calling shitpost!


Remember the BBWolf did eat RRH at the end of the story, eh might have got my fables mixed up.


Shitposters have souls leave us alone!


Itā€™s a hack, but itā€™s nothing new. Iā€™ve seen people doing this for months (Nirows for example)


heā€™s doing giveaway right after unbanned. in stream too. thats why most people dont give a **** to him


Iā€™ve seen it too, saw a rogue tp straight to the UDL boss a couple weeks ago


I know we have souls


Shitposts must recognize shitposts too :wink:


I call bullshit:

Tricksters cannot teleport further than about 20 tiles. If they try to teleport 100 tiles away, they will instantly be disconnected. Same goes for rogues.

You cannot teleport to non players. If you try to teleport (same way clicking on teleport on the player tooltip menu) to a boss or another object, the server will not let you.

You cannot speedhack walk to the boss. The server does not let you go that far even if your speedhack speed is very high. And you canā€™t speedhack walk over the black void tiles, thatā€™s an instant disconnect.


its possible and not new; boss spawn could be really close or in range


Not sure


Noclip wouldnā€™t work, it only passes through obstacles. You canā€™t pass between roomsā€¦ right?


Iā€™m gonna uncover this entire argument. My argument is that I had an alt account in Xanadu, and I donā€™t need to explain that. I donā€™t hack (and I donā€™t really play anymore :stuck_out_tongue:), but I can explain this a bit I think. Iā€™ll cover this topic and explain a few other hacks I guess

This Hack (TP to boss hack): So from what was explained to me (it makes sense), the hack works as so. You basically have a noclip hack and a speed hack. The speed is ridiculous, to the point of crossing the entire realm in about half a second. Noclip has been improved for them apparently so this doesnā€™t cause dc as much. Yet, this usually works the best for sprites, because wall collisions (and solid objects) still have a chance of dcing.

Noclip: Iā€™ll just explain this with a comparison involving the status quo, and say a year ago. Nowadays (I canā€™t explain why), noclip has been tweaked. You used to almost always dc when walking into walls, but now itā€™s better and more dependable

Eh screw it thatā€™s all Iā€™m typing


He is trolling you guysā€¦


its called tp quest or something i knew this guy who had this hack and did insta abyss lol


I think thereā€™s a Spriteworld hack for this, but Iā€™ve never seen one in Abyssā€¦


this sounds like the only reasonable explanation.


Eh, except you didnā€™t realize that hackers have both a ā€œfarther away tpā€ (which tps them to the maximum distance possible) and an ā€œunsafe tpā€ (that discovers walkable tiles upon teleporting) hack.

These cheats, combined with a boss room that is randomly placed near the spawn room, leads to an instant path to the boss. Iā€™m glad those cheats are easily fixable by DECA, though.

Trivial Issues Thread