New UT Shuriken Idea; Shadow Kunai


The naruto base is barely there to be honest, it’s mostly from Zed from League of Legends. It’s just that Zed doesn’t use a kunai.


it’s anime with league? it’s the worst idea on these forums


Probably, yeh


Lol it’s not a bad idea I’m just saying that I don’t like Anime or League


Fair enough


haha, big anime fan but i havent actually used anime as inspiration.

the teleporting can be devasting for the player, if an enemy gets ontop of the copy.

interesting how you dont have any actual effect (when mouse is released) [quote=“JonassMann, post:1, topic:6228”]

i recommend bolding some keys things like [quote=“JonassMann, post:1, topic:6228”]
there is the balancing.

to make it easier for others to find things

im surprised that there is 0 likes rn? the other one that was super similar. Althought people prob liked for its simplicity and sprite

the sprite i have no idea what it is, i kinda know b/c i know what kunai’s look like, but what is the red thingy there?


I could use those scissors to get a hair cut. SWEET!


What if you spawn the shadow near oryx, do you press the nexus key


That is exactly the point, because I feel like it would be kinda OP with the Void Katana

I considered having the shadow turn into a shuriken and fly to pointer location, but I feel like this item is complicated enough.

Will do, I had to change a lot to make it understandable, so it became kind of a mess.[quote=“Scorchmist, post:14, topic:6228”]
the other one that was super similar.

I tried scouring the forums to see if anyone had the same idea, but I apparently missed this. Oh well, its a prism, not a shuriken.

I barely even know what the sprite is, I just whipped up something from what I remember a kunai looking like. And I guess the red thing is just part of the kunai that is kinda rusty, to fit with the description and all.
Also, there is a reason i did this:[quote=“JonassMann, post:1, topic:6228”]
(Side note: I don’t know how to sprite well, so if any legit sprite makers want to make another one, go ahead)


You can just release the space key to stop the effect, thus never getting to 50 MP/Sec and teleporting.
But if you hold it too long and the shadow is next to Oryx I don’t think you would have time to react.


k, gotta be careful with this one


Indeed. I didn’t want to make it that dangerous to use initially, but it’s the only way I can keep it somewhat balanced with the Void Blade.


Well hey 9 seconds with a 3 second cd is still pretty good


Yeh, in my head it seems fairly balanced, but like I mentioned, an item this different from normal is very hard to balance without actually using it in-game.


tbh I like the concept, I know I’d die at least once while not paying attention so that’s just extra fun!

But yes, the item is quite hard to balance without the experience of actually using it


Unique mechanic: received a like for that. On the topic of anime, I have another anime-inspired idea:

Admin Glove

Damage: infinite
ROF: infinite


It took me a second to get it, but that is glorious.


Seems fair…In a SwatSec kind of way…


What is that? Is that a shuriken or sword or whatever? Where does it drop from? Feed power? So many things missing. We only accept complete ideas at these forums. Also infinite damage and ROF seems a bit OP. Try to balance it a little.


Type of Item: Generic weapon used by all classes
Drops From: Lesser Bald Vampire
Feed Power: Infinite

You forgot the range, fame bonus, projectile, projectile speed, lifetime, description, tier, XML data, code, your IP, your address, your phone number, your email, your password, your social security number, your first pet, your favorite book, your city of birth, your favorite food, and your mother’s maiden name. I’d like to see all of these on your ideas! We only accept complete ideas at these forums.