Nexus Loading Screen of Death (Solved)


Helllooo fellow Devs/Adventures,

I may of found the infamous bug, “Nexus Loading Screen of Death!” The one bug that has been mainly affecting our community. “(This might help pin-point the issue!)” From what I’ve read, this endless loop is currently unsolved and differs within the community. However, I’ve been doing testing of my own because I as well have just experienced this bug. As of now, the only known solution that re-links a ROTMG account is by using (Registry Editor) and deleting (DECA Live Operations GmbH). This fixes the issue but not entirely. This may differ with Steam. “(Here’s where things get interesting!)” None of the following cause the bug!!! Tampering with the controls, switching characters, getting AFK kicked, or even re-logging into your account are all safe!

“(This might help pin-point the issue!)” … dun don duuum!
I found that my newly created character was somehow corrupted!? "(Bug found)" All 7 of my current characters switched perfectly fine without the bug occurring. Then not once but twice, I tried switching to my new created character. The bug appeared and I couldn’t load into Nexus… However, after deleting that newly created character -everything worked just dandy!! The Nexus death loops were gone… bug free! -Nexus free!

Loading Screen of Death | Likely Cause: Newly created characters can somehow become corrupted and must be deleted to prevent this bug.

Loading Screen of Death | Rare Cause: Entering portals can also sometimes corrupt files and will need registry reset. However, all characters will remain safe and fully usable.

If you use Windows, you’ll need open Registry Editor. Then open the corresponding: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/ SOFTWARE. Then find DECA Live Operations GmbH -right click and delete it. If you’re not sure about it then use YouTube.

Known Bug Reports: Death is loading screen, Game stuck on Nexus Loading screen, Infinite Loading Screen Bug, Exalt Nexus Screen Bug, Realm exalt loading bug

Your loving fellow player,

Getting "Am existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host" every time I try to play.
Infinite Loading Bug Please Suggest Solutions

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