Ninja Semi-Rework / Buff


Finally! Someone else who thinks ninja stars should pierce! :wink:


deca watch so much movies thats why they dont pierce


Lol, that might actually be true. :grin:


Non-piercing makes the Ninja ability much more interesting. This is much more apparent once you’ve played Samurai. It uses a katana and has an ability which although it moves very differently also pierces. This means you can just stand in front of any enemy, pummelling it with shots and waki uses very easily.

The Ninja’s shuriken though stops at the first thing it hits. If you don’t want to waste your shot you often need to allow for this. Move perhaps, or time its use carefully, to get round minions or obstacles. It works at a much larger range than a waki or katana, which makes it even harder to use and aim, especially with its low speed.


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