No tinker event


Hey guys,
I purchased some tacos because I was super pumped for this event and come to find out, when I go to my tinkerer, he still has the april event happening rather than the taco event. Any Ideas?

Trivial Issues Thread

open realm on a browser or something


They should appear when the refresh happens, 22 minutes from now.


some people already got theirs.


I am aware but would assume like other events, it must have something to do with when the time one logs into the game; or it is just random.


If you logged in after dailies but before the update, you’ll have to wait till the next days dailies. However, if you didn’t log in until after the update, you will see the new quests i think


Makes sense. I will have to pay more attention next time. Thanks for the insight!


Tried, doesn’t work.


[Edit: merged this post and its replies into the “No Tinkerer Event” thread. Nevov]

where are my events


I do not have them either but assume they will appear on the refresh which will happen in 22 minutes.


Ffs this is such a wierd problem, I’ve already crafted tacos, same with candyshi, but there are still people in realm who outright slander me for saying so because it doesn’t show up for them. Is this a legit bug with the game??


those guys probably logged in before the taco quest was added and therefore didnt get it




In game I crafted some tacos, few minutes later, still in game, a group of people start yelling at me that it isn’t out yet. I told them there is a second ‘event’ tab in the tinkerer menu but they claimed it wasn’t there. That’s why I’m confused.


It seems to be pretty strange. I had the second tab but it was just blank. After the refresh they appeared along with two Oryx options from April, to turn in shards for the X and the penguin skin/chest which I find really odd given I completed those the fourth week in April. The day I got the events actually which was a day later than many people on the forums but it makes me wonder if I had a chance to collect another skin, but it seems doubtful as I am not sure how I would have been able to get a second O,R and Y.


Meh. I don’t have a reply to that since I don’t know how it was programmed. Maybe time zones are the issue.


What time zone are you in? I am on Pacific time in the USA.


London. Gmt +1


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