Noob stories


one day during new years, i had gotten a fire sword and a fire dagger. not knowing that they were used for different classes, i only looked at the stats. im like hmm fire sword does more damage. so i threw away the fire dagger feelsbadman (this was like 4 years ago)


some kid i knew found out you could crash a realm by dropping a bag on the top left corner of a sprite world and he told everyone he knew about it


i level with draconic helm in glands, i didnt die :smiley:


Getting visually confused between the t4 and t6 helm.


Back when Ammys were the shiz, i got one from a Duper for free (pretty cool) I was in love with the Archer back then so i sold it for a Covert and t10 hide.


I never wanted to speak of it butā€¦ My first 8/8 (knight) got a conflict. I always carried it around and when skull shrines died. Id just yell ā€œCONFLICTā€ā€¦ Wellā€¦ I died with it in a abbys of demons. It still pains me to this day thats how my first event white went.


I took a break from playing, and when I came back there were pets. For some reason I thought that pets could only be fed ā€˜foodā€™-type items, not anything and everything, so I farmed woodland labyrinths for the speed sprouts because they were leaves. Took ages to level up my pets, and I had no idea about proper fusing or which abilities were what. All that wasted fameā€¦


Halloween 2014: (back when I was a dark blue)
The new skins came out and everything and the tinkerer had an alchemist token up so I grinded HOURS, for a few spd to buy a tarot. Then I did the alchemist and one of my choices was the Frankensteinā€™s monster skin. I got so excited that I might pick it. And what do you know I got it. Not knowing how much this skin really was worth, I sold it for a lil red skin.
Yes, that actually happened. (Now I actually do have Frankenstein skin, Bought it for 4 ubhps)


Telling my friends how i died to pure evil and then we do an avatar together and i got confused and died to pure evil again while they were there. :woman_facepalming:


Still currently a noob here:

2/8 pally (max def and dex), keep this in mind 30 def drunk.
In discord with a couple of friends, (shoutout to zackyjt and anttike)ā€¦ Theyā€™re doing some retarded stuff with like each doing a ppe btw lel xd, and theyā€™re making memes about getting white bags from pcaves (theyā€™re autistic donā€™t judge). Anttike says he gets a white bag, a dirk. Since Iā€™m oblivious to whats going on since Iā€™ve just been farming UDLā€™s and snake pits for wis and spd, I think heā€™s just gotten a dirk of cronus.

Fast forward two mins and this fucker tells me to check discord because he feeds the dirk. I tab out to discord to check, and I see him feeding a regular dirk, cool waste of time, now Iā€™m pissed. Come back to realm, I just diedā€¦ To a pit snakeā€¦ on a max def pally. KMS

Yes this happened recently, yes I hate myself, yes give me fri itenz


u r welcome


First time playing again after a long 5 years, Iā€™m a 1/8 Wizzy, max def, Just bought all my gear and Iā€™m broke af with nothing left.

Go do a couple sprite worlds, and max Dex, And get an EP, Bored so I run around midlands with the ep killing whatever that pops up.
THEN A SWARM OF MUFUHIN A MILLION GRAY BLOBS GO YOU CAME INTO THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD, and I die and rage quit, go to bed, wake up feeling bad then start playing that night, I make a throwaway Wizzy and grind Glands until 4 def, Buy my gear then go into a small server with no people in Glands, so I run to glands, and as soon as I reach Midlands GRAY BLOBS BACK AT AGAIN Oof Oof Oof Plays Sad Violin music on discord, Rage quits


Iā€™ve never done anything bad because Iā€™m the best player.


~~~ 1st Story ~~~
I was out with my PPE that I made a week agoā€¦
My friends ( Aka ā€¦ old guildies ) Invited me to a shatts
so I accepted the offer and went with my PPE sorcā€¦
and I got a gemstone on that ppeā€¦

The next day I went to max it out and try to get topsā€¦
I was rushing towards O2 with only a 0/8 Sorc that is
slow as a turtleā€¦ I then got drunken and slowed and confused
then ended up insta poppin in that crowd of oxryā€™s Minionsā€¦

~~~ 2nd Story ~~~
Sooo after that death with my Sorc , I took a 1 hour break
then continue to playā€¦ I then wanted to make a new character
but not knowing what. So I played a gameā€¦ What ever top I get
from O2 is the hero class I will do!

So there I was with my mystic rushing towards O2 once more!
When suddenly the same thing happened but instead I was
Confused and slowedā€¦ As a mystic I thought I could handle it
with my stasisā€¦ but I ended up being to confident and losing
that 6/8 Mystic ā€¦ Iā€™m so fucking retarded :confused:

~~~ 3rd Story ~~~

This one isnā€™t long or about deathsā€¦
The noobest thing that I have ever done
was to go to the trading server and trying
to buy an oreo and spent over 3 hours till
I realized my mistake xD


Spending 20 minutes running to get to the fabled ā€œgodlandsā€ where you can farm exp like no tomorrow (I was level 2) and nexusing constantly. I didnā€™t know there was such a magical teleport button.


The ā€œOP GEARā€ story

So, back when I thought archer was good even without dbow, I was on a hunt for a good bow. I kept spare t4 bows and below in my vault, and when my friend got a t10 bow while merching(he sold 2 def for it xd xd), I wanted it. So I paid him 5$ irl and he gave me the bow. Less than 30 minutes of me walking around midlands shooting it, someone called ā€œcrystalā€ I was like: ā€œWtf is that?ā€, so I tped, and i saw this scary looking monster (crystal prisoner), but ofc i had nothing to worry about as it died in 0.5 seconds. I saw a pcave portal, and I was like: ā€œsick, pcave gives lots of loots (my friend told me that bs)ā€, and went in. I was using a 45 degree angle, and because of that, i ran face first into evil water andā€¦yeap.

I paid 3 dollars for a golden bow from a friend which died at level 17 trying to get into a sprite world XD XD

ā€œā€˜how to get to oryx?ā€™ā€ story

Yes, I wanted to see that final endgame boss. My friend(the one that sold me t10 bow for 5$) said you had to kill every enemy on the realm, while i said you had to kill all the quests (mine was right).

So we got into a huge arguement, each trying to prove each other wrong. We didnā€™t know about realmeye, so I decided to run to every quest and he tried clearing everything.

Took hours, didnā€™t realize enemies respawned.

we both gave up XD


[quote=ā€œHerpDerryO, post:56, topic:14266ā€]
So I paid him 5$ irl and he gave me the bow.
[/quote] RWT confirmed.


not on a website tho, keep in mind this was when I was like 5 days into playing


Back in the day, my very first character was an archer. I had managed to get my hands on a tier 9 staff, and was very excited. Then, I read the description.

The next day at school, I talked to my friend who had gotten me into the game.

ā€œHey, you know the tier 9 staff?ā€
ā€œMine says it only has two shots, how do you reload?ā€


so im just gonna take these screenshots and let it speak for it self

sorry for bad qual, could only upload one picture so i had to klip together and screen again