Not logged in, but it still shows my star amount and guild


Not logged in, but it still shows my star amount and guild

Trivial Issues Thread

[Split into its own topic]

I guess this is a Flash thing, the game still displaying some of the info from your account after you’ve supposedly logged out. Could be a small issue if you’re on a shared machine, at least it doesn’t seem to show anything really significant.

I wonder if the change to Unity will bring in a new batch of peculiar small bugs like this.


It’s extremely likely. Having a huge amount of players grants a way higher chance of them potentially finding bugs that the developers/testers overlooked, which is also likely since there’s so much to code/test.


This bug was added when DECA added the challenge mode/rifts ui change. It is purely visual. Only reason this bug happened is because just does not fully know the ins and outs of the flash client.


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