
I guess you can’t consider it a “true purist NPE” if you have a pet at all, but honestly all abilities are so weak at lvl 1 they barely matter.

Who’s going to seriously argue that Attack Far or Rising Fury make a difference?


Rising fury OP tho


Would argue it? Of course not, that’d be silly even being as extremely anti pets as I am where I would absolutely refuse to take a lvl 1 heal simply because that’s already a free 7 vit, so a paramount vit ring I wouldn’t need to equip in a slot as a reason against that. However level 1 damage abilities are at least halfway reasonable (I’d hope) but the simple matter is if I want the game to at least be a little challenging I’m going to give myself as few advantages as possible which is why I won’t personally use it but I won’t hold it against someone as at least it isn’t extremely broken at that point.


I guess I’ve got an mlg NPE going then


It didn’t even click that he said that, all I say is gift chests are off limits.


Whenever I die on a character I invested a lot of time and/or stuff into, I always play around on PPEs to rebuild. I follow the regular PPE rules, but I will instead vault all rare UTs, Life/Mana, and Tops in order to gain a profit of which I can use to make a new character when the PPE dies. This way, when the PPE dies, I won’t lose anything valuable, and I can then make an actual character.
Other times, I will just make a PPE to farm pots for my other characters, and the PPE won’t drink any pots.

In my own personal opinion, I think that pets should be allowed on an NPE if you get the pet egg on that character, and would only be able to feed it using items that you have gotten on the NPE.


How about the Pissed Player Experience?

It’s the same as any other character, but you have to constantly scream at everyone near you whenever you don’t get an item you want.


Lol. Let me guess, candies plus picking up mana from daily rewards? Only thing I can’t figure out is how you got the gear (other then the dagger) with only 148 fame


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but you didn’t post any links.

Also the problem with that is that it’s really easy to exploit now with events and calendar login rewards.

See, that’s the main difference: I’ve always thought NPE/PPE were referring to characters, not accounts.

So what you’re saying is, had I changed the wiki instead of posting on here, you would have thought my definition was the most widely accepted?

Nobody’s forcing you to trade. You could just not use/drink on that character anything you got from a trade and it would be the same.


My mule doesn’t have 10 stars, so I can’t use candies. Those are all regular daily potions. Also, life and mana are maxed, I just need the 2 dex from this month. The rest of the gear I just got super lucky from like 3 labs when I was leveling/screwing around before the daily calendar came out.


So just really lucky


Yeah, but I haven’t actually gotten a potion as a drop on the account myself because I have too much to do on my main


Still pretty lucky. I tried a npe. After 400 fame and two hours of play, I still haven’t gotten better then a t9 item or t4 ring/ability. Just gave up


Are you doing hard dungeons? If you’re avoiding them of course your loot is gonna be terrible because theres only a certain decency of gear you can get doing things like sprites and glands.


that would be cancerous :wink:


This is going back to the “old days” when unnamed/white name accounts could still participate in the full game (except blocked from trading), so every New Player started off as unnamed for as long a time as they liked with the only difference being no chat, and no trade option (or guild).

Hence when experienced players wanted to revisit how it was for a newbie, they would fire up a new unnamed account and play on that, and the “new player experience” came to be named that.

(in these days there were no functional pets so the discussion about whether you could use a pet isn’t applicable)

Nowadays that the whitenames are effectively no more, NPE is being redefined in opposition to a PPE, where you either don’t have a pet (unlike PPE where you do), or start one from scratch as a genuine new player would do.


I prefer the latter.


You mean… Normal Player Experience?




Fair enough. I was starting my reply trying to point out why your post wasn’t useful and threw an assumption in there that you made this post for rep and nothing more, but reading what I was gonna say I scrapped it to prevent sounding like an absolute asshole and rewrote it into the contradictory mess you see here. Completely scrapping my previous reply I’ll just get my original point across (which oddly enough has nothing to do with my last post, idk how or why i ended up completely contradicting what i thought).

Most people would just ask someone in-game or google it if they don’t want to ask in-game. Your post would reach virtually nobody who didn’t already know the definition. I have yet to find a single post on these forums or reddit of someone asking for the definition of ppe. I’m shocked it got this many likes. The definition of npe is clearly very malleable and a guide should be quick to point that out instead of say what they agree with. This post seems more like a quick guide made for likes and was clearly focused more on looking pretty than helping. That’s what I originally wanted to say and ended up contradicting to seem nicer I guess?

I completely disagree with what I originally said and my deletion of it should show that (this should be the 2nd or 3rd time ive deleted something on these forums). I also completely disagree with the definition for npe that the wiki uses because of how unusable an unnamed account is now. I really am not sure what I was trying to do with my last reply so ignore it and focus on this criticism instead.

Edit: Correction before you point it out. I found 1 post asking for a specific rule about soulbound potions (back when they were new) and 1 practically asking what an npe was. On top of that I also found a discussion post about the definition of ppe (because its so malleable) and the 2 questions i found were answered fast and are pretty easy to find for someone who is curious about the rules. The answer could have been found just as easily if this guide didn’t exist, basically.