Operation Spitfire Devlog


sorta a status update but more of a poll

  • Keep Drop Weapon Key as Backspace
  • Change Drop Weapon Key to Tab

0 voters

something I think everyone will appreciate is that I’ve added a key(Q) to hide/unhide the player UI. No more involuntary UI blocking (looking at you, Realm). Tweaked some of the weapons clip sizes and reload time because not tweaking reload time was a mistake.

Off topic, but what was bad about last round? I don’t follow gladiator :frowning:


BecauseI won the game before, I uh… kind of chose a team based game in the Rainbow Arena, which means that we all made two moves in one turn… as a team…

It definitely exposed some content and situations that needed acknowledging for future games. I think Raremeat took it as a challenge, but some of us were getting burned out, especially with many of the combatants starting school again.

Also: I’ve always read the Tab key as something for swapping between items in an inventory rather than dropping something.


I see, sounds hectic ngl.

School definitely eats up time and I can understand the burn out as a game goes on. But I’m sure Raremeat can iron out those issues and any possible ones that might come up

But yeah… I only put tab as a potential key to change to because its closer to all of the other keys unlike Backspace. I don’t think I’ve ever played a game that used tab as a swapping key however, unless I forgot.


You played gungeon


I haven’t played in a long while :confused:


nvm gungeon uses ctrl not tab


When can I play this masterpiece? I’m willing to wait a few more hours if absolutely necessary.


can’t say for sure, but I would say around possibly early/mid november or december at the latest at my current speed. External stuff could affect this imo.




how much will it cost?


Demo will be free of course.

while I do like munies, I’ve decided I rather put it free on a site like Itch.io, As free games on there have a voluntary option of support, as opposed to a paywall or having support go through Patreon (which I will not do).

So yes, it will be completely free.


have you considered putting spitfire on other game sites?(like steam for example)
if you do so, then will it also be free on those?


I have considered putting it on steam as well, but with how they’ve changed putting your games on the platform,
I don’t see it as a good option, but I would try. I’ve thought about putting it up on game jolt as well. They would be free on those as well if I put them up there.

And yeah, the F2P category on steam is much better now, so the chance is a little bit higher.



Not much in terms of content creation, aside from another enemy and weapon.

I’ve gotten 2 more levels done, so all I need is the last level and boss arena to do :slight_smile:

once I move onto the 2nd and proceeding chapters, progress will most likely slow down again (not by much but still a bit), and I will take my time to make the content to my best ability.

on a side note, I’ve never understood the thought process of putting a sizeable price tag on amateur indie games, especially the mess that is the indie horror genre.


Actual content update time

All levels are done! While this doesn’t mean I’m done with polishing, it does mean I can put more time into finishing touches and other additions such as:

An actual pause menu. I know, pretty impressive of me. Being real though, now you can pause mid game and have the option of continuing or going back to the menu, I wont describe the tedious work it took to pull this off (the magic is in the detail) so your welcome :sunglasses:

And a dialogue thing. I had originally one but it was too limited so I had to look up a step by step guide for that. Even then I had to change stuff and a little unto the guides code to get the result I wanted.

Another enemy type added to the later levels for more variety and challenge

some fixes and detailing added to levels.

That’s about it, I’m gonna be adding things but I wont spoil what they are :wink:


Heyo, wanted to let you guys know what I’m doing currently

I scrapped some stuff with the 1st boss but he’s still done. Not much else with previously added content.

With the stuff I am actually working on, I decided to repurpose some of my sprites from a very old dungeon thread I made (the real OGs already know :sunglasses:) for use in the things I’m adding. reading through it made me cringe but in a goodish bad way if that makes sense? Either way, I’m doing that currently, and already have a rough build of an enemy. And I’ll give more details later on.


Little update on my progress :sunglasses:

New sprite:

Old sprite:




got some work done with the enemies of the extra content, going pretty smoothly actually. But work and laziness kinda stopped me from doing more than I would’ve liked :pensive:

on a side note I got the piercing function of bullets to work.


Not dead, surprisingly.

been busy with academics (or school as the plebs call it) and I haven’t had the drive or time to work on stuff, but now I sorta do so I’ll update this thread when I make progress, probably by the end of this week.


As [not] promised, a status update :slight_smile:

The bonus area in all of its entirety is done! Three smallish levels with the third being the extra boss fight. I won’t spoil anything about it, but let’s just say its a bit harder and has some different mechanics at work.

As for the main game I’m gonna work on adding actual plot and game over state.

Very excited to be pumping out content again :sunglasses: