Oryx Buff + Requiring Lost Sentry and Nest to Close Realms


Another reason why not to do O3.

(I’m done.)


?? What? If it drops a white, I’d probably do it. I do janus instead cause he drops scotum (which i really want) and court drops it’s own whites


Hardly even pros, literally the only thing “challenging” of the sentry is dealing with spooky boi because of how he works. I’m all for a sentry buff if it got rid of him as it’s really just a way to whittle down players if their pet isn’t a high enough level.


That bump tho


What if O3 was the true mad god? That would justify him having drop T14 weapons and T15 armors.

He would have 750,000+HP scaling and shoot a 7-star shotgun.
Immune to all effects but curse.


How do knights get DPS then :wink:


If O3 were to be a thing he shouldn’t have any shotguns or too OP moves, he should work similarly to Void and mbc, where they have phases and can actually be completed by every class, but one or two wrong moves will cause a rip.


True, sentry isn’t even hard. It’s just that you have to keep track of two things at once.


Making LS and Nest mandatory for a realm close wouldn’t work. Although I would like this to be implemented, but when comparing these events to Ents, Gkings, etc., it becomes clear why it it isn’t mandatory for a close - skill level.

When looking at the whole of the realm community, I would say the majority of them haven’t even attempted these events because not everyone is the same skill level and it can be considered selfish to force the lower leveled/skilled players to do this and a burden on the ones who can. So what I’m trying to say is even if this does become a mandatory close, it won’t be the group effort, like you and I wish, and nothing will change because some people just can’t do these events.

Now about killing LS/Nest to spawn O3? I like this a lot. This would make me want to get my guild in a small realm and close it just so we can do a guild O3. Also this makes more sense than @Redox’s O3 idea of the activation for O3 with the guardian spirit’s.

Edit: A plug for my boy Redox since I @'d him, here’s his O3 Idea.


But that doesn’t make any sense. Sentry and the Nest event don’t really have anything to do with Oryx. In fact, sentry is the exact opposite.


fuck knights dood






no u


no thee


Yeah true… I guess someone can whip up some lore about how O3 ties to LS or sentry or something idk.

Or maybe make a new event with the same difficulty level as LS/Nest that ties in with O3. This event wouldn’t be nessecary for a close but for activation of O3


Lost Sentry was a vessel from the lost halls and the Spooky Boi was the soul of a Paladin who was used to create the MBC.

Oryx (tmg) tried to keep the LH hidden, but the great heroes of the Realm doomed him when they finally defeated the LS.

They entered the LH that the LS was guarding and battled the MBC and then temporarily defeated the Void Entity, in a way helping Oryx.

Now I don’t understand this lore and in-game. In theory even players individually are 10x stronger than Oryx (tmg) and MBC if they are careful and patient enough.
The MBC was created to defeat Oryx (tmg) so that the Realm could be free of evil, when in reality if you get a handful of decent players they can take down both.

Trying to link LS and Nest to Oryxis easy.

LS found it’s way out of the Halls to protect it and the KB’s are regular Warrior bees that were corrupted by Dr. Terrible and Pure Evil (Void Entity).
Dr. Terrible was sent by Oryx, LS was from the Cultists and guards the LH to stop the Void Entity from corrupting the realm any further.

My Oryx completely detatches itself from this lore and is supposed to be the real Oryx that was sealed away by his disciple, Oryx the Mad God.

With that I don’t know how to include O3 in the lore LS or the Bees as they are all tied to Oryx 1/2. But still, I could add the Anti Spirit to the AC 2.0 as an 8th one that’s introduced at the end and is the Spirit of the Void Entity.
It could thank the players for defeating O3 and timelocking him once again and then have a part 2 dungeon with a battle between the two.

How do you think that sounds?


A little confusing :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

But this makes sense… I see what you mean. Kinda, idk don’t want to take over this guy’s thread lol


@Redox good idea and love your O3 dungeon; it is a perfect bridge from this thread. Really love how this thread went off to an O3 tangent once I mentioned it but it all fits together :upside_down_face:

A lot of work for DECA but I think gameplay-wise a high rewarding effort for DECA to partake in.


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